
  1. 企业办学实施2+1教学模式的研究

    Implementation of the Enterprise School " 2 + 1 " Teaching Pattern

  2. 第四章,借鉴国内外大型企业办学理念和成功经验。

    Chapter ⅳ introduces successful experience in educational philosophy at home and abroad .

  3. 依托企业办学,是比亚迪技校最突出的特色。

    The most prominent feature of BYD technical school is its rich resources from BYD Company Limited .

  4. 兰州地区大型中央企业办学体制改革的研究

    The Research of the Systematic Innovation of Education Run by Central Government-led Enterprise in Lan Zhou Administrative District

  5. 企业办学,为企业培养帅才服务,是金箔院在改革的浪潮中,为适应企业的发展作出的可喜探索。

    Enterprises run colleges and train commanding talents is a successful experiment of the Gold foil Plant in the reform to meet the need of development .

  6. 结合我院企业办学特色,论述了我院实施“2+1”教学模式所具有的优势和运行机制。

    According to our characteristic of enterprise to run a college , it discusses the predominance and the operation mechanism to implement the " 2 + 1 " teaching pattern .

  7. 多校区大学教学管理体制和运行机制的有效模式兰州地区大型中央企业办学体制改革的研究

    The Effective Model of Management Systems and Operating Mechanisms for Teaching in a Multi-district University ; The Research of the Systematic Innovation of Education Run by Central Government-led Enterprise in Lan Zhou Administrative District

  8. 兰州市作为一座工业新兴城市,企业办学的比重很大,至今仍然保持着城市基础教育半壁江山的重要地位。

    As a newly born industrialized city , state owned enterprise in Lan Zhou District still hold a large ratio of education , nearly half of the districts primary education are run and financed by state-owned enterprises .

  9. 论高职教育的学校企业社会办学模式

    The Mode of " School-Enterprise-Society " in Running Higher Vocational Education

  10. 与企业联合办学;

    Run our school together with the enterprise ;

  11. 最后,建议在工业区中推出政府支持下,企业联盟办学的模式。

    Finally , it suggests the adoption of the pattern of running schools by enterprise associations under the support of the government .

  12. 高职院校与企业合作办学的发展主要受到宏观政策、管理体制和社会意识等方面因素的制约。

    The development of the college jointly run by the enterprise is mainly restricted by Macro-policy , management system , social consciousness and other factors .

  13. 通过对中国海洋大学产学合作实践的研究,总结成功实施这一模式的保障条件,并从组建校外专家委员会,建立实习实训基地,利用企业资源办学等方面论述实施产学合作的基本思路。

    The article summarizes the conditions to implement the pattern according to the practice on the cooperation of industry and school in China Ocean University , expounds the basic idea to implement the cooperation of industry and school .

  14. 中等职业教育产教结合主要是指职业学校与产业结合或与行业企业联合办学,学生通过课堂教学与参加实际工作,掌握相应的科学文化知识与职业技能,适应不同用人单位的人才需求。

    The combination on this paper mainly refers to secondary vocational schools and enterprises co work to make students master relevant theory professional skills through studying in the classroom practical work which can meet different work unit ′ s demand for talented persons .

  15. 其主要特征有:学校与企业融合的办学模式,学生与工人融合的管理模式,教学与生产融合的教学模式。

    The main characteristics are marching on the way of tightly integrating schools with enterprises , students with workers , teaching with production .

  16. 示范院校应积极探索与实践学校企业社会的办学模式、富有高职特色的教学模式、服务型的人才培养模式和全面的社会服务模式。

    Demonstration schools should actively explore and practise the school-running model of " school-enterprise-society ", teaching model of higher vocational education characteristics , serving talents cultivation model and comprehensive social service model .

  17. 他们的成功之处在于:拥有完备的职教法规、企业全程参与办学、政府积极支持、严格推行职业资格制度。

    Their success lies in : complete vocational education regulations , companies ' participation in schooling , the active supports from the government , and the strict implementation of the vocational qualification system .

  18. 通过立法鼓励社会公民和企业组织捐资办学,拓宽办学经费筹措渠道,并采取切实有效的措施确保渠开水满。

    Meanwhile , in order to widen the channel of the operating expenses , we should encourage the donation of the social citizen and enterprise 's organization through legislation and take the effective measure to solve these problems .

  19. 结合国外职业教育的成功案例与我国职业教育的相关经验,采用校企合作、企业参与的办学模式是解决当前我国职业教育人才培养的有效方式。

    With success stories of foreign vocational education and relevant experience of vocational education : a " school-enterprise cooperation , enterprises to participate in " schools of vocational education is to solve the current and effective training methods .

  20. 通过企业与高校合作办学的新形式探索设备资源配置社会化是满足这些要求的有效途径。

    The paper holds the view that the socialization of the equipment resources allotment through the cooperation of universities and corporations is the way out .

  21. 应在增加财政投资的同时,采取成本补偿、金融补偿,规范国有资产,鼓励企业赞助或个人办学,加大助学贷款与发放教育债券等措施,最终解决这一财政危机。

    The measures such as cost recovery , managing stage-owned assets , and encouraging sponsorship and issue educational bond should be taken to solve such difficulties .

  22. 第三部分,分析了现代企业制度的建立与企业投资办学方向的调整;

    Thirdly , is points out how to solve the problems between the modern company system and the company investment in the schools ;

  23. 本文试图对计划经济体制向市场经济体制转轨后上海市企业行业举办的中职学校的办学特点、实践层面存在的主要问题,产生问题的体制机制等深层次原因以及如何保障企业行业办学做初步探讨。

    This dissertation tries to analyze the characteristics , main problems of industry-owned secondary vocational schools in Shanghai after the transition from its planned economy system to a socialist market economy system , and tries to explore the causes of problem and the countermeasures to ensure the schools running .

  24. 为制造业企业定向培训员工,与企业合作办学。

    Training staffs for directed manufacturing industries and run a school in a cooperative way .

  25. 文章着重解释了企业联盟的概念,并分析了企业联盟办学的优势,提出怎样实现企业联盟。

    This chapter focuses on interpreting the concept of enterprise association , analyzing the advantages of the pattern and giving suggestions on how to realize the enterprise association .

  26. 该部分首先分析了单个企业组织培训的优势和不足,然后思考如何保持优势、避免不足,并提出企业联盟的办学模式。

    The writer first analyzes the advantages and disadvantages that companies have in organizing training , then explores how to maintain the advantages and avoid disadvantages , and finally suggests the running pattern .

  27. 在企业教育综合改革的过程中,必须实行企业教育的产业化,各级政府要对企业教育给予高度重视,不断提高企业的办学水平和效益。

    In the course of comprehensive reform of enterprise education , the industrialization of enterprise education must be practiced , the governments at different levels should pay great attention to enterprise education for the purpose of increasing unceasingly the running standard and benefits of enterprise education .