
  1. 他到美国去攻读企业管理硕士学位了。

    He went to America to further his study for mba .

  2. 企业管理硕士为一个兼重于质与量技能训练的一个先进的专业学位,主要为了培养如何在今日的组织环境中成为一个真正的领导人。

    The Master of Business Administration is an advanced professional degree emphasizing quantitative and qualitative skills necessary for leadership in today 's organizational environment .

  3. 众所周知,企业管理硕士MBA是世界上最热门的学位。

    The MBA is the world 's most popular master degree .

  4. 杨杰(音译)2011年毕业于纽约福特汉姆大学(FordhamUniversity),获得企业管理硕士学位。找了12个月的工作,还是一无所获。

    For Yang Jie , who graduated in 2011 with a master 's degree in business administration from New York 's Fordham University , 12 months of job hunting got him nowhere .

  5. 加州多明尼克大学位于旧金山附近,那里的学生毕业后可以获得可持续发展企业工商管理硕士学位。

    At Dominican University of california , near San francisco , students can receive a master 's of business administration in sustainable enterprise .

  6. 为了解决这一问题,一些在俄罗斯经营的企业启动内部工商管理硕士(mba)或高管培训项目,希望培养并留住各公司所需的经理人和专业人才。

    To tackle the problem , some companies in Russia have launched internal MBA or executive education programmes , hoping to build and retain the sort of managers and specialists each company needs .

  7. 企业组织管理理学硕士专注于医疗服务管理。

    Business organizational management with concentration in health services management M.S.