
  • 网络Corporate Mentor;MBM;Mentor-Mentee;Industrial Advisor
  1. 第二部分对企业导师和知识共享的相关文献进行了回顾。

    Chapter 2 was literature review about mentorship and knowledge sharing .

  2. 肯尼亚:我要去见我的企业导师。

    Kenya : I 'm going to meet my business mentor .

  3. 你要企业导师干什么?

    What do you do with a business mentor ?

  4. 企业导师通过向新员工(徒弟)提供职业支持、社会心理支持和角色榜样等功能,对新员工的职业成长提供了较大的帮助。

    Mentoring is helpful for new employees ( proteges ) to increase their career successes through providing vocational support , psychosocial support and role modeling .

  5. 工程硕士学位文应在学校导师和企业导师的共同指导下,经调研、资料查阅后,写出选题报告。

    With the joint guidance of the school and enterprise mentors , engineering graduates should write out topic selection report after further research and data access .

  6. 2006年卖掉Links之后,我创建了WalpoleBrandsofTomorrow,为年轻的奢侈品企业寻找导师。

    After I sold Links in 2006 I set up Walpole Brands of Tomorrow , which matches mentors with young luxury businesses .

  7. 为了找到答案,我们征询了专家们的意见——这其中有在我们的博客Accelerators上讨论如何创建企业的创业导师,有其他见过、听过无数成功故事的投资者、顾问和教授,还有亲手书写成功故事的企业家。

    To find out , we turned to the experts ─ the start-up mentors who discuss launching businesses at our Accelerators blog , as well as other investors , advisers and professors who have seen and heard countless success stories , and entrepreneurs who have written success stories of their own .

  8. 笔者在已有文献研究的基础上,结合与相关企业人员和导师的深度访谈,提炼出影响用户适应性的七个影响因素和相关研究假设。

    This paper put forward seven factors of the user adaptation and related research hypotheses which would influence the uses ' adaptability through consulting previous literature research and combining the depth interviews with the relevant corporate executives and instructors .