
  1. 把你的最好的力量举和奥运会举重比赛数据告诉我们吧。

    JH : Give us your best Powerlifting and Olympic Weightlifting numbers .

  2. 奥运会举重比赛在进行,让我们一起学习一些体育用语吧。

    The weight lifting events are on . I have chosen some sports expressions from a dictionary and put them here .

  3. 2008年北京奥运会女子举重比赛成败率统计分析

    The Statistical Analysis for the Success and Failure Rates of the Women Weight-lifting in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games

  4. 北京奥运会女子举重比赛成败率与试举方案的统计与分析

    Statistics And Analysis On The Success And Failure Rate And The Programme Of Attempt In Female Weightlifting Competition In Beijing Olympic Games