
  • 网络Olympic torch;Olympic torch bearer;Olympic torchbearer;torch bearer
  1. 博珍妮希望,自己担任奥运火炬手能吸引更多的人关注中国儿童。

    Bowen hopes that running with the Olympic torch next year will help draw attention to the children in China .

  2. 在华外国人正在争夺中国境内奥运火炬手的8个名额,火炬接力是奥运会前进行的一项传统活动。

    Foreign residents are vying for eight slots to carry the Olympic torch on Chinese soil in the traditional relay prior to the Games .

  3. 奥运火炬手金晶受邀再次访问法国。

    The Olympic torchbearer Jinjing was invited to visit France again .

  4. 公众可对奥运火炬手提名。

    The public can nominate people for the role .

  5. 但一些奥运火炬手在网上售卖他们的火炬,通过这一千载难逢的机遇赚钱,引发了争议。

    However , some of the Olympic torchbearers have caused a stir after cashing in on their once-in-a-lifetime privilege by selling their torches on eBay .

  6. 到九点钟时所有奥运火炬手已到达珠峰顶.在珠峰顶的上方出现了一条罕见的彩虹。

    By nine o'clock , all the Olympic torch bearers had reached the top of Mount Qomolangma , above which appeared a rare rainbow soon .

  7. 每位奥运火炬传递手将手持圣火跑200米。

    Each runner will carry the torch for200 meters on Chinese soil .

  8. 奥运主火炬手是谁?

    Who are the main Olympic torch ?

  9. 穿过马来西亚首都的长10英里(16公里)的火炬传递线路沿线戒备森严,以保护80名手持奥运火炬的火炬手,终点设在了马石油双子塔。

    Heavy security was in place to protect the80 runners carrying the Olympic torch along a10-mile ( 16 km ) route through the Malaysian capital , ending at the Petronas Twin Towers .

  10. 同时,他还热衷于慈善工作和环保事业,这也是为什么他被选为2012年伦敦奥运会的火炬手,他也是唯一可以获此殊荣的华人发片歌手。

    He is also well known for his philanthropic work and environmental advocacy , which were cited as reasons he was the only Chinese recording artist selected as a torchbearer for the London 2012 Olympic Games .

  11. 桑兰现在只能坐在轮椅上,她现在是2008北京奥运会的官方火炬手。

    Sang , who uses a wheelchair , is an official torchbearer for the 2008 Olympics .

  12. 昨日,抗议者多次企图阻止奥运火炬传递,英国警方逮捕了35人。伦敦奥运火炬手包括英国前奥运金牌得主和电视名人。

    By late yesterday British police had arrested 35 people as protesters tried to stop the relay of the torch as it was carried by a succession of bearers , including former British Olympic champions and television personalities .

  13. 距离2008年北京奥运会开幕还有10个月时间,不过生活在中国的不少外国人正在起劲地参加在华外国人奥运火炬手的选拔活动。

    Ten months before the2008 Games begin in Beijing , a new and grueling Olympic sport is in full swing among foreign nationals living in China : advanced kowtowing .