
  • 网络arcane;arcana
  1. 邪术巨人是神秘奥术知识的强大传承者

    Eldritch giants are powerful scions of arcane lore .

  2. 每当他们施放一个奥术法术的时候,UI会向太阳靠近,并且增加他们的自然伤害;

    Whenever they cast an Arcane spell , it will move the UI closer to the sun , and buff their Nature damage .

  3. 法术反射(Su):如果一个奥术消除者成功抵抗了一个法术,那么该生物将在它身体里纪录下该法术。

    Rechannel Spell ( Su ): If an arcane nullifier 's spell resistance protects it from a spell , the creature stores that spell within its body .

  4. 如果我们大大地BUFF一下奥术射击,那么很有可能每一个生存猎人就直接用奥术而放弃爆炸射击了。

    If we buff the holy heck out of Arcane , then every Survival hunter just shoots Arcane and won 't take Explosive Shot .

  5. 奥术射击不再驱散魔法效果。

    Arcane Shot : No longer dispels magic effects .

  6. 奥术光辉:等级1,现在可以从训练师处直接学习。

    " Arcane Brilliance ", rank 1 , is now available from trainers .

  7. 在深兽王天赋里加强奥术射击,当然,只有深兽王猎人能碰到这个天赋。

    Buff Arcane so deep in BM that nobody else will get that talent .

  8. 一边瞬发奥术弹幕一边四处跑确实很有趣。

    It 's fun to be able to run around and do instant Barrages .

  9. 奥术引爆将给目标周围的敌人造成185-215的伤害。

    The Arcane Detonation will deal 185 to 215 damage to enemies near the target .

  10. 达拉然光辉-奥术光辉的装饰版。

    Dalaran Brilliance-Cosmetic version of Arcane Brilliance .

  11. 奥术弹幕雕文:减少奥术弹幕的魔法消耗20%。

    Glyph of Arcane Barrage : Reduces the mana cost of Arcane Barrage by20 % .

  12. 然而,一部分在达斯雷玛·逐日者带领下的高等精灵拒绝放弃追求奥术魔法。

    Nevertheless , a group of Highborne under Dath'Remar Sunstrider refused to give up practicing arcane magic .

  13. 虚空潜伏着是一个便宜,无形,永生且有着强大奥术魔法的彩虹法师。

    The Void Lurker is a cheap , ethereal , immobile rainbow mage with strong astral magic .

  14. 3件:减少奥术飞弹、火球和冰弹术造成的威胁值。

    3 pieces : reduces the threat generated by your Arcane missiles , fireball , and Frostbolt spells .

  15. 修正了一个使奥术飞弹不能出发塞纳留斯之怒的错误。

    Fixed a bug that prevented Arcane Missiles from being able to trigger the effect of Wrath of cenarius .

  16. 神圣抗性:提高神圣,暗影,奥术抗性。

    Divine resistance : Increases resistance to Holy , Shadow , and Astral damage by XX . XX % .

  17. 使用:清除瞄准射击,多重射击,乱射和奥术射击的冷却时间。

    Use : Instantly clears the cool downs of Aimed Shot , Multishot , Volley , and Arcane Shot .

  18. 在她的军队的支持下,天灾占领了太阳井,精灵的奥术能量之源。

    With her forced su ort , the Scourge took hold of the Sunwell , the source of the elves'arcane power .

  19. 增强法力之盾-更名为奥术防护,现在提高法师25/50%的护甲和抗性。

    Improved Mana Shield-Renamed Arcane Shielding , now increases the armor and resistances gained by the mage by25 / 50 % .

  20. 可能躲闪,格挡,闪避破碎残阳力量坠饰的奥术攻击。

    It is possible to dodge , block , and parry the proc Arcane Strike from the Shattered Sun Pendant of Might .

  21. 植园守卫是被塑型成动物形体的灌木或矮树丛并且通过奥术活动起来。

    A topiary guardian is a shrub or bush sculpted into the shape of an animal and them animated by arcane magic .

  22. 奥术撞击被更名为法术冲击,现在作用于冲击波,火冲,冰锥和冰枪。

    Arcane Impact renamed Spell Impact and now affects Blast Wave , Fire Blast , Cone of Cold , and Ice Lance .

  23. 降低火球术,冰箭术,冰火球,奥术冲击,奥术飞弹和奥爆术的法力消耗。

    Reduced the mana cost of Fireball , Frostbolt , Frostfire Bolt , Arcane Blast , Arcane Missiles , and Arcane Explosion .

  24. 使用:为你注入奥术能量,使你10秒内的下一个奥射引暴目标。

    Use : Infuses you with Arcane energy , causing your next Arcane Shot fired within 10 sec to detonate at the target .

  25. 在卓尔的世界里,宗教和政治基本上都是女性的舞台,而这个民族的奥术大师基本上都是男性。

    While religion and politics are primarily the arena of women among the drow , the arcane masters of the race are mostly men .

  26. 基于原始的群体打击者,奥术消除者是蒸汽科技结合练金术与魔法科技的独特作品。

    Based off of the original crowd pummeler , arcane nullifiers are ingenious works of steam technology combined with alchemical prowess and unreal science .

  27. 奥术潜能-减为2点点满,需要点出气定神闲而不再是节能施法,施法后增加所有法术暴击率30%。

    Arcane Potency-Reduced to2 ranks , connected to Presence of Mind instead of Clearcasting , Increases critical strike chance of any spell by30 % when .

  28. 我真的这样希望!奥术兄弟会很可能已经对我想当不满了,而我需要有一个大钱包使自己远离他们的魔掌!

    I certainly hope so ! The arcane brotherhood is probably less-than-pleased with me , and I need a fat purse to get far out of their reach !

  29. 伊利丹给了我们新的奥术力量之源,所以我来到外域跟上了伊利丹,并誓言带领我的人终有一天能重新走向繁荣。

    Illidan offered new sources of arcane power , and so I joined him in Outland , pledging to return one day to lead our people to glory !

  30. '照明'能力增加相邻区域的亮度。本单位的奥术攻击对不死族造成巨大的伤害,对活着的生物也能造成伤害。

    A faerie who exercises her output of arcane energy may master using it as a weapon to such a degree that they are named Masters of Light .