
  • 网络FIRA;FELA;Thira;Phila
  1. 他愿意借出在费拉角的小别墅。

    He had offered the loan of his small villa at Cap Ferrat .

  2. 到了70年代变得很性感,从费拉(Farrah)那张著名海报就能看出来。

    ' Then by the ' 70s , it had become very sexy , if you think of Farrah in that famous poster .

  3. 我们参与过《费拉》(Fela!)的制作,我以为不会再有哪出戏给我那么强烈的感受了。

    WE WERE INVOLVED WITH " Fela ! " " and I really didn 't think that another musical could hit me as powerfully as it had .

  4. 伦敦保持了世界最昂贵居住地的地位,紧随其后的是避税天堂摩纳哥以及百万富翁们的休养胜地圣-让-费拉角(St-Jean-Cap-Ferrat)。

    London retains its spot as the world 's most expensive place to live , followed by the tax exile haven Monaco and millionaires ' playground St-Jean-Cap-Ferrat .

  5. 费拉几个月前来过这。

    Fella came through here a couple of months ago .

  6. 将杰斯、费拉、鲍勃·马利以及他们祖父们的音乐混杂在一起。

    mixing influences from Jay-Z to Fela to Bob Marley to their grandfathers .

  7. 电信巨头曾因计划将其旗下的移动电话拆分单独运作一事与争执,直接其总裁特龙切蒂•普罗费拉下台。

    The telecoms giant was in turmoil after a fight with the government over its plan to spin off [ 5 ] its mobile-phone unit caused its chairman , Mr Tronchetti Provera , to resign .

  8. 21岁的斯维芙特独自艺人在纳什维尔的举行的一个派对上跨年,而30岁的杰克则在纽约出席了百老汇的费拉闭幕晚会。

    Swift , 21 , rang in2011 in Nashville , solo , at a party , while Gyllenhaal , 30 , was in New York , where he attended a closing party for Broadway 's Fela ! on Jan.2 .