
  1. 发展和完善了医疗事业单位的成本费用核算方法。在资金的组织上,把主要精力放在低成本存款上。

    We can develop and improve the medical institution cost accounting .

  2. 对房地产业成本费用核算中几个问题的探讨

    Approaching the Problems in the Cost Accounting of the Real Estate

  3. 用直接费用核算法分析治疗成本与费用。

    The cost and charge were analyzed with the direct cost calculation .

  4. 公用事业业务支撑系统费用核算体系的研究

    Research on Cost Accounting Architecture of Utility Business Support System

  5. 安徽省医疗费用核算分析报告

    The Analysis Report of Medical Expenditure in Anhui Province

  6. 本文希冀从物流费用核算模式上的优化来实现成本节约。

    This article hoped to realize cost saving by optimizing logistics expense calculation pattern .

  7. 因此,卫生费用核算工作有必要进一步加强。

    So , it is essential to strengthen further the Program of Health Account in China .

  8. 本课题来源于东软集团对员工住宿、住宿中的费用核算进行调研及研究。

    Subjects from Neusoft Group of the staff accommodation , accommodation in the cost accounting to conduct studies and research .

  9. 建国60年政府卫生投入和卫生总费用核算的回顾与展望

    Reflections on 60 years development of government health investment and total health expenditure accounting in China : retrospect and prospect

  10. 中国卫生总费用核算体系,应该包括地市级卫生总费用的核算。

    The system of China national health accounts should include the estimation of the total expenditure on health at regional city level .

  11. 卷烟物流成本管理信息系统,以费用核算标准研究为基础,具备凭证自动归集、考核指标自动生成、成本费用过程控制等功能。

    Based on research of cost accounting standard , the TLCMS can automatically accumulate vouchers , automatically make assessment target , controll cost-in-process .

  12. 中国卫生总费用核算小组根据上述原则与方法测算了安徽省1997、1998年卫生总费用。

    According to the principles and methods above mentioned , a task force of THE were organized to estimate the total health expenditure in 1997 and 1998 in Anhui province .

  13. 资料与方法:综合运用上海市卫生总费用核算中的医疗机构费用数据,进行描述性分析。

    Data and Methods : Make full use of the data of Shanghai total expenditure on health ( STEH ), especially on pulic hospitals , and give a descriptive analysis .

  14. 本文根据中国卫生费用核算小组测算的数据,评价中国行政区域间卫生总费用需求现状,作出相应的政策分析。

    In terms of the data from the health expenditure accounting group , this paper evaluated demand situation of the total health expenditure among different districts in China and analyzed related policy .

  15. 既往解决卫生总费用核算滞后问题的思路主要有两个:一是如何提高卫生费用数据的采集及传输效率;二是采用预测技术。

    Previously , there were two methods in solving this problem , one was to improve the efficiency of the data collecting and transmission , the other was to use the predicting techniques .

  16. 针对竞争日益激烈的市场经济环境,就目前施工企业工程项目的成本核算问题,从成本核算的分析,费用核算与分配等方面作了介绍,以期对实际工作起到一定的指导作用。

    In view of the expanding market competition environment in this paper according to cost accounting problems existed in construction enterprises from cost accounting , distribution and other aspects introduction is made in order to instruct practical work .

  17. 本文论述了高校教育成本核算会计科目设置的必然性,设计了成本费用核算的有关科目,并指出了各有关科目之间的内在联系。

    In this paper , the certainty installing accounting items of educational cost ac-counting of colleges and universities was discussed , related accounting items of cost account-ing were designed , and internal relations among them were pointed out .

  18. 同时对涉及成本的部分问题,如药品费控制和药品收入的合理返还、建立单病种费用核算制度、强化经济管理等进行了讨论。

    At the same time , discussion on some problems relative to the cost , such as control of medicine expense , the rational return of medicine income , establishing the expense accounting system on single disease and enhancing economic management and so on has been made .

  19. 为了配合国务院有关部门开展中国卫生筹资发展研究,中国卫生总费用核算小组组织人力进行《中国卫生总费用历史回顾和发展预测》。

    A History Review and Development Forecasting of the Total Expenditures of Health ( TEH ) in China was carried out by the taskforce of national health account of China , to coordinate a research of China health financing carried out by some agencies in the State Council of China .

  20. 电信计费帐务系统(TBAS)是电信企业重要的运营支撑系统(BSS)之一,它承担着在用户使用电信企业服务后费用的核算与收取的功能。

    The telecommunication costs the bookkeeping system is the telecommunication enterprise important operation strut system one , it is undertaking after the user use telecommunication enterprise service the expense calculation with the function which gathers .

  21. 应付票据和利息费用的核算。

    Accounts payable and notes payable are typical example of current liabilities .

  22. 严格按照公司制度、会计法规及税务法规对各项费用进行核算。

    Maintain expenses accounts according to company policies , accounting tax regulations .

  23. 各项待摊预、提费、折旧费用的核算。

    Pre-all prepaid mention costs , depreciation expense calculation .

  24. 浅议国有林场五大系列成本费用的核算问题

    Simple Discussion about the Accounting of Five Series of Costs of State - owned Tree Farm

  25. 目前,我国高新技术企业研究与开发费用的核算是采取费用化的做法。

    Therefore , correct operations of these expenses are essential to the development of hi-tech enterprises .

  26. 长期以来,传统的成本方法对于间接费用的核算一直是成本管理的症结所在。

    For a long time , accounting for indirect costs in the traditional Costing Methods has always been the crux of cost management .

  27. 做为企业,其败本费用的核算及其信做披含既要契开企业会计轨造的划订又要逆当企业外部运营管理的需供。

    As an enterprise , its cost accounting and disclosure of information must comply with the accounting system and the requirements of enterprise management .

  28. 并对所用费用进行核算,与国内其它造纸行业废水处理方法相比,该方法经济合理。

    Through calculation of all the expense shows that , this method is more reasonable and economical than other paper making wastewater treatment methods .

  29. 然后,论述了构筑应对反倾销导向下的产品成本核算原则、期间费用的核算与分摊要领、环境成本核算方法等关键环节。

    Then discuss cost accounting principles to establish a system responding to anti-dumping , Period cost accounting and allocated method , environmental cost accounting method and so on .

  30. 但是我国房地产企业产品成本核算存在着很大的成本核算弊端:如忽视间接费用的核算等,无法真正做到正确的房产成本核算。

    However , the real estate business there are significant product cost accounting cost accounting malpractice : ignoring indirect costs such as accounting , etc. , can not really do the right property costing .