
  • 网络The Philadelphia Orchestra
  1. 世博会的组织者承诺将在上海各地举办两万场各类活动,从费城交响乐团(PhiladelphiaOrchestra)到喀麦隆国家歌舞团(CameroonNationalSongandDanceTroupe),内容多种多样,还有供小孩子观看的魔术表演、木偶剧和皮影戏。

    Expo organizers promise 20000 events around Shanghai , ranging from the Philadelphia Orchestra to the Cameroon National Song and Dance Troupe . Kids can see magic shows , puppet shows and shadow plays .

  2. 这样的场景真实发生了:美国费城交响乐团的成员们在北京的飞机上,为同机的乘客们带来了惊喜,他们进行了一段即兴演出。

    This is exactly what happened when members of the Philadelphia Orchestra surprised passengers in Beijing , performing a pop-up performance aboard a plane .

  3. 其中一个视频由费城交响乐团在今天上传了YouTube,是一段完整五分钟的恢弘演出,表演结束后观众掌声雷动。

    One of the videos , posted to YouTube today by the orchestra , shows the glorious five-minute performance in its entirety , followed by a thunderous applause from the audience .

  4. 费城交响乐团一直以来的标志就是醇厚悠扬的弦乐部分。

    The sonic signature of the ensemble has traditionally been the rich , resonant cushion of its string sections .

  5. 与费城交响乐团相关的两家表演艺术团体,包括费城音乐学院,也在同一份声请文件内寻求破产保护。

    Two related performing arts organizations , including the Philadelphia Academy of Music , also sought bankruptcy protection as part of the orchestra 's filing .

  6. 费城交响乐团的成员们是离开北京前往澳门,这是他们访华40周年纪念巡演的一部分,该乐团1973首次访问中国。

    The Philly musicians were leaving Beijing for Macao as part of their Fortieth Anniversary Tour of China commemorating the orchestra 's historic 1973 visit to the country .