
  1. 电力市场中的输电服务(四)&输电费用分配方法

    Transmission services in electricity market ( 4 )─ allocation of transmission charges

  2. 把修改后的合作博弈理论引入到输电费用分配方法中,这是一个新的尝试。其中输电费用计算是本论文的重点研究部分。

    This paper also introduces modified cooperative game theory into transmission pricing and it is a new thought to the transmission pricing .

  3. 此方法克服了传统的输电费用分配方法没有经济信号的缺点,可以鼓励电网的有效利用,同时可以对输电费用进行完全回收。

    This method overcomes some drawbacks of the traditional methods and encourages the efficient use of grid . It can completely recover the transmission cost .

  4. 将资源消耗会计思想与辅助生产费用分配方法相结合,能够有效弥补传统分配方法的缺陷及不足,符合当今时代企业对成本核算合理性及准确性的客观要求。

    Associate resource consumption accounting with service department expenses distribution method can effectively make up the deficiency of the traditional distribution method , meet the objective requirements of rationality and accuracy in cost calculate of our times .

  5. 基于Shapley值的输电费用分配新方法

    A new method of transmission cost allocation based on Shapley value

  6. 土地使用权效用&费用综合分配方法及其应用

    Right of using land - comprehensive distribution and application of cost

  7. 网状结构图是以最短路径为主,结合车辆通过率来确定多路径通行费用的分配方法。

    The allocating algorithm of the net structure chart is the method of confirming the charge of many roads combined the pass rate , focused on the " shortest road " .

  8. 但文章并不否认作业成本法在我国企业未来的发展趋势,及当前采用其一些合理的方法,如改进制造费用的分配方法使成本计算趋向合理,采用作业管理的一些先进方法等。

    However , it dne'n , t deny the tendency of applying the ABC in China , and it also affirms the utilization of such reasonable methods as the activity-based management , etc. .

  9. 主要介绍输电分配成本的构成以及各种计算方法,比较分析了基于各种数学模型的输电费用分配计算方法的优缺点。

    The composition and various calculation methods of transmission cost are mainly introduced , and the advantages and disadvantages of the calculation methods based on various mathematical models for transmission cost allocation are compared and analyzed .

  10. 辅助生产费用的分配教学方法浅议

    On teaching method of auxiliary production cost distribution

  11. 本文基于交流潮流追踪,提出了一种面向全电网用户的阻塞费用分配的新方法。

    To improve the accuracy and equitablity of the existing methods , a new user-oriented congestion cost allocation method is proposed .

  12. 本文归纳了高校教育成本核算的一般程序,确定了间接教育费用分配标准和方法。

    This thesis generalizes the common process of the cost calculation of universities and advances the allocation standard and methods of indirect educational costs .

  13. 学校控烟活动能对学生家庭成员起到间接教育作用,这是对以学校为基础进行控烟活动的优势的肯定;本文归纳了高校教育成本核算的一般程序,确定了间接教育费用分配标准和方法。

    School-based tobacco prevention and control projects could extended students ' family , which confirmed the strength of such program ; This thesis generalizes the common process of the cost calculation of universities and advances the allocation standard and methods of indirect educational costs .

  14. 辅助生产费用按实际成本分配方法的改进

    The improvement of support - department actual cost-allocation method

  15. 改进医疗成本费用的分配及核算方法。

    The methods for distributing and calculating medical care cost should be improved .

  16. 顺序分配法是解决辅助生产费用分配时常采用的方法之一,该方法运用的关键在于确认辅助生产部门费用分配顺序;

    The sequential allocation method is one of the methods in distributing the cost of support departments .

  17. 构建了协同性作业的成本模型,给出了用于间接费用成本分配的系列方法,包括:线性成本函数的边际成本法、非线性成本函数的边际成本法、协同成本核算法。

    Constructing the cost model of co-operative activity and giving the series methods to the cost distribution of indirect fees including : marginal cost method of linear cost function , marginal cost method of non-linear cost function , co-operative cost accounting method .

  18. 本文还提出了一种将输电费用同时分配给发电机和负荷用户的输电费用分配新方法。

    A new method is also put forward to allocate the transmission cost to both generators and loads , which eliminates the compensation between the users themselves .