
  • 网络Accident Loss
  1. 实证结果发现,地区生产总值(GDP)和教育经费支出对这些省(市)的非寿险消费有显著的正向影响,交通事故损失和火灾事故损失对非寿险消费的影响为正,但不显著;

    This paper finds that GDP and educational outlay have significant positive effect on the non-life consumption , the traffic accident loss and fire accident loss have positive effect on the non-life consumption , but not significantly .

  2. 文章应用混沌方法对交通事故损失时间序列进行处理,计算出最大Lyapunov指数,得到最大可预报时间尺度,在此基础上,建立人工神经网络预测混沌时间序列的模型。

    The fuzzy method is applied to analyze the data of traffic accident loss which is observed by time sequence , and the largest Lyapunov exponent is calculated . On this basis , the method of forecasting time sequence with artificial neural network is presented .

  3. 本文以社会总费用即投资,运行费和事故损失费的总和最小为目标,采用连分式极值有理法,对GIS变电站绝缘配合的优化设计进行了研究。

    This paper studies the optimization design of insulation coordination in GIS .

  4. 基于BP神经网络的道路交通事故损失预测

    Loss Prediction in the Road Traffic Accidents Based on Back Propagation Neural Network

  5. 文中介绍了事故损失评估理论和方法,通过AHP法求出煤矿安全生产对经济增长率的贡献;

    After introducing the means and theory of evaluating accident damage , applied AHP to seek the contribution of safety to the economy increasing rate ;

  6. 分析了事故损失的多属性特征,确定了属性指标和评价矩阵,建立了基于TOPSIS的事故损失综合评价模型,并进行了实证分析。

    This paper analysed the multi-attribute characteristic of the accident loss , confirmed the attribute 's indexes and evaluating matrixes , and set up a comprehensive evaluation model of accident loss based on TOPSIS . Finally , an example was analyzed .

  7. 我国汽车事故损失率影响因素分析

    Factors Analysis of the Loss Rate of Automobile Accident in China

  8. 基于灰色系统理论的企业事故损失综合评价

    Synthetic Evaluation of Enterprise Accident Loss Based on Grey System Theory

  9. 千元产值事故损失率的修订

    Revise of accident loss rate of thousand yuan output value

  10. 农业环境污染事故损失评价方法研究

    Study on assessment approach to damage caused by agro-environmental pollution

  11. 我国三种主要事故损失计算方法比较分析

    The Comparison of Three Main Calculating Methods of Accident Loss in China

  12. 事故损失与安全投入效应的经济分析

    Economic Analysis of the Safety Input and Accident Loss

  13. 中国煤矿安全事故损失计算模型研究

    A Study on the Model for Calculation of Coalmine Safety Accident Loss in China

  14. 建筑施工安全事故损失内部化分析

    Internalization Analysis on Accident Loss in Construction Industry

  15. 企业事故损失估算方法探讨

    Discussion on estimating method of Accident economic loss

  16. 水污染事故损失中各指标影响程度的确定

    Impact Determination on the Various Indicators of the Losses Caused by Water Pollution Accidents

  17. 企业事故损失计算方法的研究

    Study on Calculating Method of Accident Loss

  18. 贵州私营煤矿事故损失与安全经济效益分析

    The analysis of safety economic benefit and accident losses in private coal mine in Guizhou

  19. 对于公寓业主来说,最头疼的问题莫过于赔偿事故损失。

    Coping with the damages could be the most disturbing issue faced by unit owners .

  20. 事故损失分析与综合评价

    Accident loss analysis and synthetic evaluation

  21. 对灾害和事故损失的定量分析是评估企业风险程度和确定其风险管理方式的基础。

    Quantitative loss analysis is the basis of risk evaluating and decision - making of management methods .

  22. 本文通过在上海地区进行的风险调研,试图通过统计数据对软土地铁盾构隧道施工期所产生的事故损失进行统计分析,为进一步的风险分析提供依据。

    This paper analysis the accident loss during construction of soft soil shield tunnel according to investigation data .

  23. 在道路交通事故损失模型构建方面,主要应用线性回归理论、灰色系统理论、马尔可夫预测建模理论,来进行研究道路交通事故社会经济损失的某些评价指标。

    The estimation indexes of the modeling of the accident loss are based on the linearity regression theory .

  24. 安全设施对提高驾驶舒适性和减少事故损失等,具有重要作用和意义。

    Safety facility is more and more important and significant to promote driving adaptability and reduce accident loss .

  25. 为减少碰撞事故损失,从碰撞的观点出了一种研究船艏碰撞特性的方法及表达船艏碰撞特性的特征量,据以改进船首设计。

    A method for studying the collision characteristics and parameters expressing collision characteristic of bow structures were brought forward .

  26. 它把事故损失与安全投资和谐地联系起来,为科学的安全投资决策提供了新的视角和依据。

    It coordinates the loss with the safety investment , and provides a new point of view for investment decision .

  27. 非常事故损失特约险俗称酒后驾车险符合现行的法律法规,能保障无辜受害者的利益,维护社会公共利益。

    " Drunken Driving Insurance " conforms to present laws and is designed to protect victim interests and preserve public interests .

  28. 开发高效的铁路应急通信系统有利于减少事故损失,防止灾害扩大,这对于保障铁路的运输安全是至关重要的。

    Developing an efficient Railway Emergency Communication System was important to reduce the loss of accident , prevent the extension from the disaster .

  29. 对在役管道进行风险评估是减少事故损失、节约维修资金、保障管道安全营运的有效途径。

    Risk analysis is an efficiency method to reduce accident loss , save repair cost , and make ensure the safety operation of pipeline .

  30. 即在合理提高生产系统的安全度、降低事故损失的基础上,追求安全净收益最大化。

    Increasing the reasonable safety degree of the work system and lowering the the trouble loss , and then pursue the safe income to maximize .