
zǒng fēn lèi zhàng
  • general ledger
总分类账[zǒng fēn lèi zhàng]
  1. 在总分类账中,账户的排序最好与资产负债表和收益表的排序一样。

    In the general ledger , it is desirable to have the accounts in the same sequence as in the balance sheet and income statement .

  2. 在总分类账和应收款明细分类账间过账,列出每个客户和从客户那收到的应收账款。

    Posting goes to the general ledger and to the accounts receivable subsidiary ledger , which lists each customer and the amount receivable from that customer .

  3. SAPERP系统源在财务会计这个功能下主要有总分类账、应收账款、应付账款、银行和固定资产等等。

    The functions of SAP ERP system source under the module of financial accounting consist of general ledger , receivable accounts , payable accounts , bank and fixed assets , etc.

  4. 从这些日记账过账到总分类账和应付款明细分类账。

    Posting from these journals is to general ledger and to the amounts payable subsidiary ledger .

  5. 当维修订单完成后,库存中的零件和费用会被转移到此维修订单,并记录总分类账,以便追踪它的成本。

    When the order is completed , parts are expensed thereby reducing inventory of those items and also posting the expense to the General Ledger in order to track maintenance costs .

  6. 又称科目汇总表核算形式,根据记账凭证定期汇总编制记账凭证汇总表,并据以登记总分类账的会计核算形式。

    Call business accounting of course summary table the form again , collect summary table of proof of total staff charge to an account regularly according to proof of charge to an account , seize the form of accountant business accounting that always classifies Zhang with registering .