
  • 网络Total Volume;Capacity
  1. 膨胀水箱总容积的确定

    Determination of the Total Volume of Expansion Tank

  2. 本文介绍了日本高炉的座数、总容积以及其平均利用系数。

    The BF number and their total volume and mean productivity of Japan were introduced in this paper .

  3. 安全功能为:当液货罐液位过高(达到并超过液货罐总容积的98.7%)时,启动泵塔中两个卸货泵井底部的液货泵排出液货LNG。

    The Safety Function is that when the level in cargo tank is too high ( equal to or more than 98.7 % of the whole volume of the cargo tank ), start the two cargo pumps in the bottom of two discharging pump towers to discharge LNG .

  4. 货舱与燃料舱总容积给船的燃料舱装煤或油。

    Cubic capacity of holds and bunkers fill a ship 's bunker with coal or oil .

  5. 你拿流量乘以横截面,平均它,乘以它除以总容积。

    You take the flux , multiply it by the cross section , average it , integrate it over the whole volume .

  6. 无空气干燥,条件允许时,应尽量减小干燥系统的总容积。

    In order to reduce the air replacement time the volume of drying chamber in airless drying should be as compact as possible .

  7. 每户居民家庭发放一个,壶身上的刻度以25克为单位,总容积为525毫升,用以帮助居民控制每日的“食油量”。

    The bottle contains a total amount of525 milliliters and it 's been given to citizens in the hope that they will consider their daily cooking oil consumption levels .

  8. 以排水系统改造为实例,利用低谷时段排水,解决水仓总容积、水泵排水能力及排水管路排水能力3个问题。

    It drains at off-peak time and solves three problems about the whole volume of water warehouse , drainage capability of water pump and the capability of drainage pipeline .

  9. 消防气压给水设备的总容积是由消防系统最高动水压与静水压的比值、系统的水净膨胀容积决定的。

    The total cubage of the pressurized-type water supply unit depends on the ratio of maximum dynamic and static water pressure of the fire protection system as well as the net dilatation cubage of the water in the system .

  10. 它的最小总容积完全取决于消防系统本身,包括:管网布置、喷头安装方式、设计温度差、温度变化的速度和系统水的漏水率。

    Its minimum total cubage completely depends on the system itself , which includes : allocation of the pipe network , installation patterns of the sprinkler , design temperature difference , rate of temperature variability as well as the water leakage rate of the system .

  11. 从宽侧鼻腔卧位到窄侧鼻腔卧位,鼻腔总容积及宽侧鼻腔容积、最小横截面积分别增加12%、41%、24%。

    When changing from lateral recumbent with the wider side of the nose downwards to lateral recumbent with the narrower side downwards , volume and minimum cross-sectional area of the wider sides and total volume showed that increased 41 % , 24 % and 12 % .

  12. 对杭州肉类联合加工厂的屠宰废水,采用总容积48m~3(24m~3×2)的厌氧滤器在自然温度下进行处理的中间试验。

    The pilot experiments of treating the slaughter-house Wastewater from Hangzhou Meat Processing complex by using an anaerobic filter with the total capacity of 48m ~ 3 ( 24m ~ 3 × 2 ) at natural temperature have been carried on for nearly one year to produce biogas .

  13. 方法对活性炭表面性质无损害,再生炭的BET比表面积和总孔容积可恢复到新炭的78%,孔径分布基本无变化。

    The method has no harm for the surface properties and pore size distribution of GAC . 78 % of BET surface area and total pore volume were recovered .

  14. 北京啤酒厂的8个生产性升流厌氧污泥层(UASB)反应器总有效容积2000m~3,系统地介绍了该反应器用于常温下处理啤酒工业废水的启动过程。

    The start - up performance of full - scale UASB reactors to treat brewery wastewater at ambient temperature was described in this paper .

  15. 添加1/3焦煤可提高活性炭的微孔容积、总孔容积和BET表面积,但中孔容积会降低;

    Once the 1 / 3 coking coal was added into the AC , the samples would have higher V micro , total porous volume and S BET , but lower V meso ;

  16. 研究结果表明:随着KOH无烟煤(质量比:1~5)增加,所得活性炭的收率下降,比表面积、总孔容积和比电容则不断增加。

    The results show that the yield of the activated carbon decrease while its specific surface area and total pore volume increase gradually with increasing ratio of KOH to anthracite .

  17. 最大设计车速不超过50KM/h、发动机气缸总工作容积不超过50ml的两轮机动车。

    The maximum designed speed is not morethan 50 km / hr , the total work capacity of the engine cylinder is not exceeding 50 ml two-wheeled motor vehicle .

  18. 结果表明:活性炭穿透时间与其比表面积和总孔容积呈正相关关系。

    The results showed that the activated carbon penetration time is positively correlated with its surface area and total pore volume .

  19. 稳定运行过程中最高进水总氮容积负荷达0.3457kgN/m~3.d,去除总氮容积负荷达0.2814kgN/m~3.d。

    In the entire steady operation the maximum influent and removal total nitrogen loading reached respectively 0.3457 kgN / m ~ 3 . d and 0.2814 kgN / m ~ 3 . d.

  20. 大孔容积在总孔容积中所占的比例逐渐增加,微孔容积所占的比例逐渐减少,过渡孔容积所占的比例增加到一定数值后又减少;

    During this process , the ratio of the volume of macropores in total pore volume increased gradually , while that of micropores decreased and transitional pores increased at first , and then decreased .

  21. 除磷系统中形成的颗粒污泥具有发达的微孔结构,随着污泥粒径的增加,污泥的孔径、总孔容积和比表面积逐渐减小。

    The granules formed in enhanced biological phosphorus removal system based on SBR configuration had a large amount of micropores . With the increase of the diameter of granules , the average pore width , total volume of the pores and specific area decreased gradually .

  22. 总的来说,容积泵的效率高于动力式泵。

    In general , the volumetric efficiency of pump power higher than the pump .

  23. 比较了上述两种工况下压缩机、冷却水泵、冷却塔风机、冷水泵和乙二醇泵的功耗差别,并进一步推出系统总能耗的差别和压缩机总工作容积的差别。

    Compares energy consumption of the compressor , all pumps and cooling tower fans under the two different working conditions , deduces the total energy consumption difference and the compressor working volume difference between the two systems .

  24. 介绍了影响机车风源系统供风能力的空气压缩机型式、空气压缩机排气压力、总风缸压力范围的选取原则以及空气压缩机的排气量与总风缸容积的计算与选择方法。

    This paper presents the choice principle of the type , exhaust pressure of air compressor , range of main reservoir pressure , calculation and choice of cylinder volume of air compressor and cubic capacity of main reservoir that affects the ability of air supply on locomotive .