
sǒng yǒng
  • encourage;abet;instigate;incite;promote;egg;tempt;lead on;put up to;egg sb. on;jolly
怂恿 [sǒng yǒng]
  • [promote;instigate;incite] 从旁劝说鼓动

  • 填空忽汗漫,造物谁怂恿。--宋. 王安石《和吴仲卿雪》

  • 怂恿家兄炼丹。--《儒林外史》

怂恿[sǒng yǒng]
  1. 要不是那些男孩子怂恿他,他不会扔那块石头。

    He wouldn 't throw the rock if that boy did not instigate him .

  2. 他受妻子怂恿进行这些非法活动。

    He is abet in these illegal activities by his wife .

  3. 有人怂恿他供认犯了那个较轻的罪行。

    He was encouraged to plead guilty to the lesser offence .

  4. 他行骗是受了妻子的怂恿。

    He was abetted in the deception by his wife .

  5. 那件事准是一些大孩子怂恿他干的。

    Some of the older boys must have put him up to it .

  6. 詹姆斯没有怂恿她去偷钱。

    James did not push her into stealing the money

  7. 他因怂恿他人叛国而受到传讯。

    He was arraigned for criminally abetting a traitor .

  8. 他们谴责白皮书是在怂恿中央集权和精英教育。

    They condemned the white paper as a charter for centralisation and selective education .

  9. 他的朋友怂恿他去偷东西。

    His friend tempted him to steal .

  10. 其他孩子怂恿他去打架。

    The other boys egged him on to fight .

  11. 我们受他的怂恿向当局隐瞒了事实

    At his instigation we conceal the fact from the authorities .

  12. 在这方面,他们得到了他们的母亲,婶婶以及其它年长的女亲戚们孜孜不倦的怂恿。

    In this view they were sedulously abetted by their mother , aunts and other elderly female relatives .

  13. 莉顿被目睹到和一些朋友在斯蒂迪奥城(StudioCity)的Pins保龄球馆里玩,还在众人怂恿之下参加了扳手腕,最终败北。

    Leighton was spotted at Pins Bowling Alley with some pals in Studio City , inciting an arm-wrestling throwdown .

  14. 在世界银行(worldbank)与经合组织(oecd)的怂恿下,欧洲各国已开始将修补预算放到优先考虑日程上。

    European states , egged on by the world bank and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and development , have begun to prioritise budget repair .

  15. v.诱惑,怂恿,引诱,吸引我们怎么才能吸引年轻人学习工程学呢?

    tempt How can we tempt young people into engineering ?

  16. 有些已过不惑之年的父母,申请了QQ号,不敢承认那是自己的愿望,而往往推说是由于子女的怂恿。

    The importunity of kids is the common apology for QQ parents are afraid to own themselves forward to .

  17. 因为他们怂恿LisaSiegmann的儿子玩一个叫做“扔砖头”的新游戏。

    And they had encouraged Lisa Seigmann 's boy to try an exciting new game called , ' Toss the Brick . '

  18. 随着时间的推移,这种“围绕问题进行编码”的方法怂恿了代码的膨胀和许多不兼容的特殊目的API,这并不是好事情。

    Over time , this kind of " I 'll code around the problem " approach encourages code bloat and lots of incompatible special-purpose APIs , which isn 't a good thing .

  19. vt.鼓励,怂恿;激励;支持老师的表扬鼓励学生们努力学习。

    encourage The teacher 's praise encouraged the students to study hard .

  20. 在拥挤的车上,有人踩了我的脚趾。vt.怂恿;

    Someone tramped on my toes on the crowded bus .

  21. 中国观察家表示,美国财长蒂姆盖特纳(TimGeithner)似乎是在怂恿国会,而不是劝告他们保持谨慎,这种做法接近于将自己逼入了危险境地。

    China-watchers say that Tim Geithner , the US Treasury secretary , came perilously close to painting himself into a corner by appearing to egg Congress on rather than counselling caution .

  22. 不要仅仅由于家长,兄长,火伴,配头,密友或是你在twitter上看到或人以为某个专业是个极好选择的怂恿下而做出自己的选择。

    Never pick a major just because your parent , older sibling , partner , spouse , best friend , or person you 're following on Twitter thinks it 'd be a bang-up idea to major in that .

  23. 英国央行(boe)副行长保罗塔克(paultucker)断然否认了对他的一种批评,即在本次金融危机最危急时刻,英国上届工党政府的大臣们曾敦促他怂恿银行操纵银行间拆借利率。

    Paul Tucker , deputy governor of the Bank of England , has flatly denied suggestions that ministers in the last Labour government urged him to encourage banks to manipulate interbank lending rates at the height of the financial crisis .

  24. 在现实世界中,IOI怂恿“绿洲”的粉丝们大笔举债,通过迫使他们接受奴役契约来搜集债务。

    In the real world , IOI encourages Oasis fans to run up debts that it collects by forcing them into indentured servitude .

  25. 受GroverNorquist和其他来自华盛顿的税收憎恶者怂恿,许多共和党员重新履行他们的反税收“誓约”。如今,这“誓约”似乎是阻止无记名投票的出现。

    Egged on by Grover Norquist and other tax-haters from Washington , many Republicans renewed their anti-tax " pledges , " which now seem to prohibit even a vote to let other people vote .

  26. Imai则指出,“有人会钻制度空子”,自称患了抑郁症,而且还“有律师怂恿这类行为”。

    Mr Imai warns , however , that " there are people who take advantage of the system " by claiming they are depressed " and lawyers who encourage that kind of behaviour " .

  27. 但在苏黎士某建筑工地度过了两年节衣缩食的生活后,瑞士有名的炼乳师及农家奶酪的领军人物罗尔夫比勒(rolfbeeler)费劲周折找到了他,怂恿他再次出山。

    But after a two-year stint on a building site in Zurich he was tracked down by Rolf Beeler , celebrated affineur and champion of Swiss farmhouse cheeses , who urged him to think again .

  28. 听着一个头脑中传出的声音怂恿他去杀人?

    Hearing some voice in his head urging him to kill ?

  29. 我那渴望的倦旅终点怂恿。

    When what I seek , my weary travel 's end .

  30. 我想只要稍微怂恿一下他就会同意的。

    I think he 'll agree with a bit of prompting .