
  1. 浅谈对口单招中的问题与对策

    Problems in Enrolling Students from Secondary Specialized School and Countermeasures

  2. 煤炭行业对口单招教育政策研究

    The Education Policy Study on Coal Major Counterpart Independent Recruiting in coal Industry

  3. 高职对口单招从它出现起曾一度处于争议当中。

    Alternative Route to Vocational Higher Education has once been in a controversy since it appeared .

  4. 高职对口单招虽然取得了一定的成绩,却还存在一些问题。

    Though Alternative Route to Vocational Higher Education has made some achievements , there are still some problems .

  5. 我们认为词块教学将有助于对口单招班学生的词汇习得以及语言表达能力的提高。

    It is believed that chunk teaching will lead to an improvement of the lexical acquisition as well as the competence of language production .

  6. 浅谈体育院校单独招生考试制度的改革浅谈高职会计专业对口单招学生的针对性培养

    Discussing on the Reformation of the Physical Colleges Examination System of Individual Enrollment ; Discussion about pertinent education to the single-handed recruited college students of accounting

  7. 在文章最后的结语部分,坦言论文研究的局限性,同时对高职对口单招的发展做了展望。

    The final conclusion part of the paper , limitations of the study is frankly admitted and a prospect for Alternative Route to Vocational Higher Education is made .

  8. 基于高职对口单招在现阶段的可行性和必然性,深入分析产生这些现象的原因是首要任务。

    Considering the feasibility and necessity of Alternative Route to Vocational Higher Education at this stage , analysis of the reasons for these phenomena deeply is the primary task .

  9. 因此,本文重点采用调查法、文献法和比较法,希望能获得有关高职对口单招的最新、最真的信息,从而为它贡献微薄力量。

    Therefore , this paper takes up survey , literature and comparative methods hoping to get the latest and most real information about Alternative Route to Vocational Higher Education so as to contribute modest power to it .

  10. 第一章介绍了概念、分析了背景、明确了意义和简介了发展进程,概括高职对口单招的基本情况,为后文的展开作了铺垫。

    The first chapter introduces the concept , analysis the background , clears the meaning and presents the development process briefly . Summarizing these basic affairs of Alternative Route to Vocational Higher Education it paves the way for later development .

  11. 国内许多研究者对英语词汇学习也做了大量相关研究。但是,以参加对口高考的职高生(对口单招班学生)为研究对象的相对较少。

    Compared with a lot of researches on English lexical learning accomplished in China , there is a lack of researches taking the students who want to participate in the Entrance Examination for vocational school students as object .

  12. 对口单招生培养模式及实施途径初探浅谈高职会计专业对口单招学生的针对性培养

    Discussion on the Model and Approaches of Profession-oriented Higher Education ; Discussion about pertinent education to the single-handed recruited college students of accounting