
  • 网络docking device;docking assembly
  1. 周边式共同体对接装置。一个在国际空间站使用的对接设备。

    APDA-Androgynous peripheral docking assembly . A docking mechanism used at the International Space Station .

  2. PVC管道施工机械手夹持对接装置的研究

    Technology for Holding and Jointing Device of the PVC Pipe Manipulator

  3. 本文介绍了具有四只智能机械手的深潜救生艇(DSRV)水下对接装置及其液压控制系统。

    The paper introduces deep submergence rescue vehicle ( DSRV ) underwater interfacing apparatus , which has four intellectual manipulators , and its hydraulic pressure control system .

  4. 介绍了一种基于压力检测传感器和模糊控制实现深潜救生艇(DSRV)对接装置初联接的控制策略,设计了可调整比例因子的二维模糊控制器。

    This paper introduced a control strategy based on pressure measure sensor and fuzzy control to realize first linking of deep submergence rescue vehicle ( DSRV ) interfacing apparatus . Two_dimensional fuzzy controller with an adjustable scale factor was designed .

  5. 水下修理平台对接装置控制系统的研究

    Control System Research on Interfacing Apparatus of Underwater Repairing Flat Roof

  6. 对接装置主要应用于没有振铃器的电话机。

    Butt sets used to be essentially telephones without ringers .

  7. 深潜救生艇对接装置三级控制系统中的通讯

    The Communication in Three-level Control System of DSRV Interfacing Apparatus

  8. 深潜救生艇对接装置虚拟样机及仿真系统的研究

    Research on Virtual Prototype and Simulation System for Interfacing Apparatus of DSRV

  9. 水下机器人主动对接装置的协调控制研究

    Research on the Coordinated Control of Active Mating Device for Underwater Vehicle

  10. 水下抢修作业船并联对接装置方案研究

    Study of Underwater Parallel Interconnecting Apparatus for Underwater Repair Ship

  11. 基于压力传感器和模糊控制的对接装置初联接研究

    Study of Interfacing Apparatus First Linking Based on Pressure Sensor and Fuzzy Control

  12. 水下主动对接装置的机械手作业过程分析及仿真

    Analysis and simulation of executing process by manipulators mounted on underwater initiative mating device

  13. 通过声学理论的分析,得出设计对接装置的几个重要结论。

    On the basis of analysing acoustic theory , some important conclusions about designing interface units are drawn .

  14. 本文建立了深潜救生艇水下主动对接装置的虚拟样机,并进行了虚拟样机的对接仿真。

    The virtual prototype for interfacing apparatus of DSRV has been built and the interfacing process has been done in this paper .

  15. 由于中国的航天飞船仿照俄罗斯的对接装置,所以中国航天飞船可以与国际空间站相兼容。

    Because China 's space vehicles use docking mechanisms that appear modeled after Russia 's , they should be compatible with the ISS .

  16. 中国在上世纪90年代才开始开发飞船对接装置,直到2000年才生产出第一件成品。

    China started development work on spacecraft docking devices only in the mid-1990s and did not produce its first piece of hardware until 2000 .

  17. 深潜救生艇水下对接装置虚拟样机的研制,对装置的改进和提高、缩短研制周期和减小经费支出都具有很大意义。

    The research on virtual prototype for interfacing apparatus of DSRV has efficient means to improve apparatus quality , shorten research cycle and cut down expenses .

  18. 基于我国多数海区能见度低的情况,以及失事潜艇具有较大纵横倾、海底水流较大等不利状况,研制了深潜救生艇多机械手对接装置。

    Considering the general low visibility , and disabled submarine 's big inclining , rapid ocean current condition of China 's sea area , a multi-manipulator interfacing instrument of DSRV is developed .

  19. 本文是结合海军装备部十.五重点研究项目水下修理平台对接装置的研制工作进行的。

    The paper is based on the important research project " Interfacing Apparatus of Underwater Repairing Flatform " among the " ten . five " Project of the department of the navel equipment .

  20. 武平表示,对接装置中的几百个传感器、几千个齿轮和几万个组件,每一个都是中国的研究所和企业自主开发和生产的。

    Ms Wu said every single one of the several hundreds of sensors , thousands of gear wheels and tens of thousands of components in the docking module was developed and produced by Chinese institutions and companies .

  21. 设计了具有滑台座的柔顺液压接头,以补偿对接装置初定位误差,降低对初定位精度的要求,从机械结构上保证了液压油路的精确对接。

    In order to reduce the positioning accuracy requirements of the early docking , compliant hydraulic connector with adjust dado was designed . The compliant hydraulic connector can compensate the early docking errors , which ensured oil circuit docking precision by the mechanical structure .

  22. 精密止口自动对接装配装置设计

    Design of the Automatic Device for Butt Assembling of the Exact Flanger

  23. 基于柔性浮动支承的对接装配装置的设计

    Design of the Device for Butt Assembling Based on Flexible Floating Support

  24. 一种新型的对接装配装置的设计

    Design of a New Device for Assembling

  25. 基于虚拟样机的航天器对接转动模拟装置仿真研究

    Spacecraft Docking Rotating Simulator Based on Virtual Prototype

  26. 嵌固对接式伸缩装置耐久性明显优于其它类型伸缩装置,是因为其设计相对比较合理。

    It is more rational of retractor device of built-in butted bridge , durability is obviously superior to the expansion joint of other types .

  27. 一种烟筒对接用密封装置,解决传统的烟筒插接带来的插接不严,加工困难,浪费材料等问题。

    The utility model relates to a chimney butt joint sealing device for solving the problems of untight inserting , difficult processing , material wasting of the traditional chimney inserting .

  28. 其中水下对接技术是运载器完成水下作业任务的关键技术,水下对接装置的功能是完成水下运载器与潜艇或海洋空间站的对接作业,实现人员或物资的干转移。

    Underwater mating is the key technique while operating in water . After mating successfully , the other mission of mating device is to transfer people or material between submarine , ocean station and underwater vehicle .

  29. 基于对以往对接方案及援潜救生对接的基本过程分析,提出了多机械手主动对接装置的设计方案。

    Analyzing interfacing strategy and rescuing operation of foretime , the scenario of multi-manipulator interfacing instrument was proposed .

  30. 为了解决失事水下运载器在海况恶劣且纵横倾角过大情况下进行水下对接极为困难的问题,提出了一种具有活动转裙的新型水下对接装置。

    When the wrecked underwater vehicle is in the condition that the sea state is terrible and the angle of trim and heel is bigger , it is very difficult to mate with rescue vehicle .