
  • 网络counterweight;counter weight;tui-tiong
  1. 轨道安装和对齐完成之后,书面通知监理工程师,以便在轿厢或对重框架安装之前完成定位检查。

    After rail installation and alignment are complete , provide written notification to engineer so that alignment check can take place prior to installing the car or counterweight frames .

  2. 此外,本文还建立了全三维的电梯轿厢-对重模型,定量分析了气动力的大小。

    In the present study , a two-dimensional model of the elevator car and counter weight system was set up ;

  3. 极性对重掺GaAs晶体中小晶面效应的影响

    Influence of Polarity on the Facet Effect in Heavily Doped GaAs Crystals

  4. 高能质子和He离子背散射分析可提高对重基体中C,N和O等轻元素分析的灵敏度。

    Backscattering analysis with high energy protons and helium ions can improve the sensitivity for the analysis of light elements , such as C , N and O contained in matrixes .

  5. ESI-MS法对重烷基苯烃基结构的研究

    Study on alkyl radical structure of heavy alkylbenzene with ESI-MS method

  6. 其中对重氮化反应的温度,及由重氮盐还原成对一磺酰胺基苯肼时还原介质的PH值和亚硫酸钠用量等对反应及产率的影响。

    The effect of the factors , such as the temperature of diazotizing reaction , the PH value of the reaction medium during the reduction of diazonium salt to p-sulfonamido phenylhydrazines and the amount of sodium suifite , on the reaction and production is discussed .

  7. 本文从句法、语义和话题性方面对重动句(SV1OV2C)准定中结构主语句(N1的N2+VP)进行了考察。

    This paper examines the verb-copying sentence and the sentence with subject made of quasi attributive-heading structure from the aspects of syntax , semantics and the topic .

  8. 本文中,在考虑载流子输运过程和等离子体效应条件下,导出了PIN半导体探测器对重带电粒子时间响应函数的计算公式,讨论了确定计算公式中参数的方法。

    Considering the transfer process of carriers and the plasmic effect , we derived a formula of calculating time response function to heavy charged particles in PIN semiconductor detectors . The method of determining the parameters in the formula was also discussed .

  9. 我们对重为8g的微型悬臂梁,实时记录了梁振动的自由响应时间域信号,对其进行了动态特性计算机分析和实验研究。

    In our work , a cantilever beam weighted 8 grams is analysed and the information of free response recorded in real time is used .

  10. 在固相水合法生产重质纯碱工艺中,在水合水内加入一定量的添加剂,可抑制一水碱中Fe份对重灰白度的影响,从而达到提高重灰白度的目的。

    The experiment results in the paper show that quantitative additive putting in the hydration water can check the iron ion content of the monohydrate sodium carbonate , to attain the goal of improving the whiteness of dense soda ash , in the solid hydrated technological process .

  11. 目的:试图探讨血清降钙素原(PCT)和感染可能性评分(IPS)对重危患者在预测感染及评估预后方面的临床价值。

    Objective Try to evaluate the performance of procalcitonin ( PCT ) and IPS as the marker of infection at onset of SIRS episode and 24 h later in prediction of hospital mortality in critically ill patients .

  12. 对重调和方程通过运用新的方法和技巧,证明了该元具有O(h2)阶的超收敛性质,而且,相容误差的估计是在各向异性网格下得到的。

    It is also proved that this element is superconvergent of order O ( h2 ) for the biharmonic equation by using a series of novel ideas and techniques . Moreover , the consistency error estimate is obtained on the anisotropic meshes .

  13. 试验结果表明,紫外线老化对重交通道路沥青、SBR改性沥青和SBS改性沥青的性能都有影响,但是相同条件的紫外线老化后,SBS改性沥青的低温性能最好。

    The result showed that performances of heavy traffic road asphalt , SBR modified asphalt and SBS modified asphalt were influenced by ultraviolet photooxidation , but after the same ultraviolet photooxidation , low-temperature performance of SBS modified asphalt was best among the three kinds of asphalt .

  14. 目的探讨复苏补液对重烧伤儿童休克期足甲襞微循环(FNM)障碍的改善作用。

    Objective To study the effect of treatment with fluid infusion on foot nailfold microcirculation ( FNM ) disorder during shock period of severely burned children .

  15. 然后分别详细讨论了FFT/IFFT、加窗、信噪比补偿、干扰抑制、定标、数字AGC等模块的具体算法和设计过程,对重点子模块经行了计算机仿真。

    Then the specific algorithms and the design processes of each sub-module are discussed in detail , such as FFT / IFFT , windowing , SNR compensation , interference suppression , scaling and digital AGC etc , and make computer simulations to some key modules . 6 .

  16. 本文主要论述了中性红2GL染料的合成工艺路线,并对重氮偶合反应和络合反应条件进行了讨论。

    The process of Acid Red 2GL is mainly introduced in this paper , and the conditions of both diazo-couple reaction and complexation reactions are also discussed .

  17. Leiserson和Saxe于1983年提出了利用重定时优化同步时序电路,并于1991年对重定时优化算法做了全面的总结。近年来,重定时技术被应用于电子设计自动化的各个领域中。

    Optimize Synchronous sequential circuit with retiming was introduced by Leiserson and Saxe in 1983 , and Retiming optimizational algorithm was summarized comprehensively in 1991 . Retiming has been used for many fields recently .

  18. FA-ELISA对重感染病人(EPG>100)的阴转率分别为22.2%(2/9)和33.3%(3/9),显著低于轻感染者。

    The reverse negative rates in heavy infection cases ( EPG > 100 ) were 22 2 % ( 2 / 9 ) and 33 3 % ( 3 / 9 ) respectively with FA ELISA . It was much lower than that in light infection cases .

  19. 高强度的对重底部区域脏篮子菜。

    High-intensity zone in the bottom basket for heavily soiled dishes .

  20. 对重采样的分析减少了算法对噪声的敏感。

    Analysis of resample techniques reduces the sensitivity of the algorithm to noises .

  21. 有对重提升系统设备容量的修正计算

    Revised Capacity Calculation of Elevating System with Balancing Weight

  22. 咸潮对重污染底泥中重金属释放的影响

    Effect of Salty Tide on Heavy Metals Release of Seriously Polluted River Sediment

  23. 并通过相关法规对重污染行业进行界定。

    The article define heavy pollution industry through the relevant laws and regulations .

  24. 锗对重掺硼直拉硅中氧沉淀的影响

    Effects of Germanium on Oxygen Precipitation in Heavily Boron - Doped Czochralski Silicon

  25. 接枝明胶对重铬酸盐明胶全息性能影响的研究

    Study on the effect of the graft gelatins on properties of dichromated gelatin holography

  26. 电离度效应对重类氢离子跃迁概率的影响

    The Influence of the Ionicity Effect on the Transition Probabilities of Heavy Hydrogenlike Ions

  27. 对重分各步骤中所用的方法进行了分析和比较。

    Many methods used in each step for mesh remeshing are analysized and compared .

  28. 研究了重氮母片的特性对重氮复印的影响。

    The influence of the characteristics of diazo master on the copy process were studied .

  29. 超声对重离子束治疗浅表肿瘤疗效的评价

    Evaluation of the curative effect of heavy particle beam on superficial tumor by Doppler ultrasound

  30. 当信道衰落余量变大时,吞吐量效率对重传次数的变化不明显。

    When the fading margin become larger , the changing of the throughput efficiency is not obvious .