
  1. 复杂离子晶体马德隆常数研究

    Study of Madelung constants of complex ionic crystals

  2. 等离子刻蚀又是复杂离子团在电场磁场中的复杂化学物理作用,对于整个晶片的蚀刻速率和均匀度难以用简单理论模型计算分析。

    The plasma etching is a complex process of ion movement in electronic-magnetic field and process of physical-chemical reaction .

  3. 此外,基于液相安定函数及理想会合熔体模型,讨论了PbO-PbCl2系液相安定性对熔体中形成氯氧化物复杂离子的影响。

    Furthermore , the stability function and ideal associated solution model are employed to discuss the effect of stability of liquid PbO-PbCl_2 on the formation of complex ionic species .

  4. 本文采用诱导效应指数和非球形离子热化学半径作为键参数,可使软硬酸碱的键参数标度范围从简单离子扩展到复杂离子。

    The use of the inductive effect index and heat chemical radius of non-spherical ion as the bond-parameter s enables the scope of the bond-parameter scale of the hardness-softness of acids and bases to be extended from simple-ion to complex-ion .

  5. 利用傅里叶变换离子回旋共振质谱(FTICRMS),分析了两类复杂的离子型表面活性剂样品。

    Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry ( FT-ICR-MS ) was used for the analysis of two kinds of complicated surfactant sample .

  6. 结果表明,原料及未漂浆中都含有复杂的金属离子;

    The content and retentivity of metal ions in unbleached KP AQ pulp of pinewood are studied .

  7. 同时又受晶体的晶格类型、化学键的简繁程度,化学成份的特性及其复杂程度、离子半径等多种因素制约。

    It is also determined by such factors as the kind of crystal lattice , the characteristics of chemical bond , the features of chemical composition , ionic radius and the others .

  8. 金刚烷胺制药废水具有可生化性差、难降解、成分复杂、无机离子含量高等特点,废水中所含的金刚烷胺笼状结构大大增加了废水处理的难度。

    Wastewater generated during amantadine production is a kind of pharmaceutical wastewater with poor biodegradability , complicated components , and high concentration of inorganic ions . There are a large amount of amantadine structure-containing organic matters in the wastewater , which makes the wastewater very hard to be treated .

  9. 离子选择性电极是一种能够快速、准确、方便、选择性的测定复杂样品中某种离子含量的分析测试工具。

    Ion-selective electrodes ( ISEs ) are well established analytical tools which can be used to determine some ions quickly , conveniently , selectively in complex samples .

  10. 本文将纳米金与自组装膜相结合制备的修饰电极,可应用到复杂体系中重金属离子的溶出伏安分析。

    In this thesis , gold nanoparticles and self-assembled monolayer doubly modified electrode were used for the stripping voltammetric determination of heavy metal ions in the complex samples .