
  • 网络Complex transformation;complex change
  1. 用MATLAB提高《复变函数》教学质量

    Use MATLAB to Improve the Teaching Quality of Complex Function

  2. MATLAB在《复变函数与积分变换》中的应用

    Application of MATLAB in Complex Variable Function & Integral Transform

  3. n个未知复变函数的一类二阶非线性复方程组的某些边值问题

    Some Boundary Value Problems for A Class of Nonlinear Elliptic Systems of Several Second Order Equations

  4. 复变函数f(z)在∞点的留数及其应用

    The Residue of the Complex Function f at ∞ and It 's Applications

  5. Z变换在级数和复变函数积分计算中的应用课程目标突出体现了学生发展为中心的思想;

    Application of Z-Translation in Calculating Progressions and Plural Function Integral function , the curriculum ?

  6. 基于泛复变函数求解Maxwell方程的方法

    Method to Solve the Maxwell Equations Based on Hypercomplex Function

  7. 空间Stokes流的三维复变函数法

    The Use of Complex Valued Functions for the Solution of Space Stokes Flow

  8. 多复变Cauchy积分和被动算子与多重色散关系

    The Cauchy Integral of Many Complex Variables , Passive Operators and Multidimensional Dispersion Relations

  9. 关于多复变中Bloch型空间的几个问题

    Several Problems on Bloch Type Space of Several Complex Variables

  10. 二元复变函数在多连通双圆柱区域上的Dirichlet边值问题

    Dirichlet boundary value problems for analytic functions of complex variables in several connected bicylinder domain

  11. 复变边界元法在解析函数齐次Riemann边值问题求解中的应用

    The application of complex variable boundary element method for analytic function homogeneous Riemann boundary value problem

  12. 应用复变函数、多极坐标方法研究弹性半空间中界面附近可移动刚性圆柱形夹杂对SH波散射与动应力集中问题。

    The displacement solution is constructed by applying the symmetry of scattering of SH-wave and the method of multi-polar coordinate system .

  13. 本文利用复变函数和多极坐标方法研究平面SH波对相邻多个半圆形凹陷地形的散射问题。

    In this paper the scattering of SH-wave by multiple semi-cylindrical canyons are studied by using complex function and multi-polar coordinate method .

  14. 采用复变函数法,研究了半无限空间中含圆形衬砌结构的半圆形凸起对稳态SH波的散射问题。

    Using complex function , the scattering question of steady SH-waves in a semi-cylindrical hill with a circular lining structure is studied .

  15. Griffith裂纹问题的三种复变函数解法及其应用举例

    Three Solutions of Griffith Crack Problem by Complex Variable Function and the Examples for Their Applications

  16. 复变系数Ginzburg-Landau方程的啁啾组合孤波解

    Chirped Combined Solitary wave Solutions of the Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equation with Variable Coefficients

  17. 利用复变函数和波函数展开法,对稳态SH波在含有圆形孔洞的无限弹性压电介质中的散射与动应力集中问题进行研究。

    Scattering of steady_state SH_waves and dynamic stress concentration are studied with circular holes in piezoelectric medium under incident antiplane shear wave loading .

  18. 本文采用辅助函数的思想,利用复变函数和多级坐标的方法给出了SH波入射条件下多个半圆形沉积谷地附近浅埋圆形孔洞动力分析问题的解答。

    Dynamic response of a shallow-embedded cylindrical lining cavity below semi-cylindrical alluvial valleys to incident SH waves is studied by using complex function .

  19. 本文研究多复变典型域上Poisson-华积分与Cauchy积分的边界性质。

    This dissertation deals with boundary behaviour of the Poisson-Hua integrals and the Cauchy integrals on the classical domains of several complex variables .

  20. 多复变函数高阶奇异积分的Hadamard主值的若干性质

    The properties of the hadamard 's principal value for the higher order singular integral relating to the function of several complex variables

  21. 本文利用MATLAB求解《复变函数与积分变换》中的留数、有理函数展开、富里叶变换、拉普拉斯变换和线性微分方程组等若干问题。

    Here MATLAB is utilized to solve several problems in Complex variable function & integral transform , such as : residue , rational function , Fourier transform , Laplace transform and system of linear differential equations .

  22. 采用契合思想,利用复变函数法研究了地下弹性夹杂与地面上半圆形凸起地形对SH波的散射问题。

    Scattering of SH-wave by a semi-cylindrical hill above a subsurface elastic cylindrical inclusion in half-space was studied based on " conjunction " by complex function .

  23. 本文利用三维复变函数,从基本方程组出发,导出空间Stokes流速度和压力的复值函数表达式。

    This paper advances the complex representations of the velocity and pressure of space Stokes flow with the aid of three-dimensional complex valued functions and basic equations .

  24. Navier-Stokes方程的精确解&Dirac-Pauli表象的复变函数理论及其在流体力学中的应用(Ⅱ)

    Exact Solution of Navier-Stokes Equations & The Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable under Dirac - Pauli Representation and Its Application in Fluid Dynamics (ⅱ)

  25. 多复变情形的Hurwitz定理

    Hurwitz Theorem for Several Complex Variables

  26. 因此,如何求Bergman核函数的显表达式一直是多复变函数论的一个重要的研究方向,至今仍吸引着许多数学家对此进行研究。

    Therefore , computation of the Bergman kernel function by explicit formula is an important research direction in several complex variables .

  27. 本文对Z逆变换中的留数法合理地给出假设条件,并用复变函数中的罗伦级数、留数理论给出了严谨、简捷的证明。

    The assumptive conditions are given reasonably about the residue method of Z inverse Transformation , and a close forthright prove is given by the theory of Laurent series and residues in complex function .

  28. 采用复变函数法研究了含有部分脱胶的浅埋圆柱形弹性夹杂对SH波的散射与地震动问题。

    The scattering of SH-waves by a shallow buried cylindrical elastic inclusion with a partially debonded curve in half space is studied by function of complex variable method .

  29. 运用RiemannSchwarz对称原理,并结合复变函数奇性主部分析方法,获得了该问题的一般解答。

    The general solution to this problem was obtained by means of Riemann_Schwarz 's symmetry principle integrated with analysis of singularities of corresponding complex potentials .

  30. 本文包括了复数的运算,关于方程求复根,泰勒展开式,函数在孤立奇点处的残数等等用MATLAB如何实现,以及MATLAB的强大的数据可视化能力在复变函数论中的应用。

    It includes the operation of complex numbers , to get the root of complex equation and Taylor 's series , to get the residue of function at isolated singularity with MATLAB , and the application of MATLAB in linear transformation .