
  • 网络compound megestrol acetate
  1. 微囊化与未微囊化复方甲地孕酮注射液动物肌内残留率的对比研究

    Comparative study of the residual rates of microencapsulated and UNMICROENCAPSULATED compound megestrol acetate injection in animal muscle

  2. 复方甲地孕酮微囊注射液对大鼠垂体前叶超微结构的影响

    Effect of injection of microencapsulated compound megestrol acetate on ultrastructure of adenohypophysis

  3. 复方甲地孕酮注射液、醋酸甲地孕酮和雌二醇的生殖毒理研究

    Embryotoxic and Teratogenic Studies on megestrol compound injection , megestrol acetate and estradiol-17 β

  4. 复方甲地孕酮避孕针对人凝血、抗凝血、纤溶及血小板聚集性的影响

    Effect of megestrol acetate compound ( injectable contraceptive ) on human blood coagulation , anticoagulation activity , fibrinolysis and platelet aggregation