
  • 网络Bone marrow biopsy;BMB
  1. 52例白血病骨髓活组织检查的观察

    Investigation of Section of Bone Marrow Biopsy in 52 Cases with Leukemia

  2. 结论:骨髓活组织检查对于骨髓增生异常综合征(MDS)的阶段划分直观、明了,尤其在骨髓干抽病例更有其优越性;

    Conclusion : It is simplicity and directly that to distinguished the stage of MDS with bone marrow biopsy ; and for the cases of dry tap bone marrow aspiration was more useful .

  3. 对再障及急性白血病患者加行骨髓活组织检查,对其病理切片进行造血组织、脂肪组织及骨小梁组织病理学定量分析。

    Moreover , the patients of AA and AL were added to carry bone marrow biopsies , and their pathological sections was done to analyze area ratio of hematopoietic tissue , adipose tissue and bone trabecula .