
  • 网络Bone Mineral Density;BMD;bone mineral density, BMD
  1. 与服用氯化钾的女性相比,服用枸橼酸钾的女性的脊骨及髋骨表现骨矿物质密度明显升高。

    The women taking potassium citrate showed significant increases in BMD at the spine and hip compared with the women given potassium chloride .

  2. 本文试图研究是否低骨矿物质密度(BMD)与AIS病人钙摄入量有关。

    This study attempted to study whether low bone mineral density ( BMD ) is related to calcium intake in AIS .

  3. 检测各组骨矿物质密度(BMD)、骨生物力学性能、骨生化代谢指标。

    After trailing , we measured bone mineral density ( BMD ), biomechanical properties , and bone biochemical indexes of all groups Thirty patients with postmenopaus .

  4. 骨矿物质密度(BMD)是骨质疏松症与骨折发生的最重要的预测指标之一,是骨质疏松症遗传学研究中最常使用的代替变量。

    Bone mineral density ( BMD ), one of the important predicative factors for osteoporosis and its consequent bone fracture , has widely been used as a surrogate variable in the genetic study of osteoporosis .

  5. 该研究通过测量两组具有相似大小和骨龄的第二掌骨的L1-L4,1/3的桡骨的骨矿物质密度,发现无显著差异。

    No significant differences in BMD at L1-L4,1 / 3 radius , or cortical bone thickness measured at the second metacarpal were observed between the two groups after adjustment for size and bone age .

  6. 60例电解工骨矿物质密度调查

    The investigation of bone mineral density of 60 cases electrolysis workers

  7. 系统性红斑狼疮患者骨矿物质密度的研究

    Determinants of bone mineral density in systemic lupus erythematosus

  8. 研究者利用双能X-线吸收仪测量骨矿物质密度和机体组分。

    Investigators measured bone mineral density and body composition using dual energy x-ray absorptiometry .

  9. 抑郁症病人与正常人骨矿物质密度的对照研究

    A controlled study on bone mineral density between patients with major depression and healthy subjects

  10. 次要的结束点包含骨矿物质密度,骨循环标志物,和安全结果。

    Secondary end points included bone mineral density , bone turnover markers , and safety outcomes .

  11. 用显微光密度仪扫描X-线片测量人干骨矿物质密度的方法

    A method of measurement of dry human bone mineral density by microdensitometer scanning a X-ray film

  12. 目的研究抑郁症病人是否存在骨矿物质密度的异常并探讨其机理。

    Objective To study whether the bone mineral density in depression is abnormal and explore the mechanisms .

  13. 唑来膦酸注射也伴随着骨矿物质密度和骨新陈代谢标志物的显著改善。

    Zoledronic acid was also associated with a significant improvement in bone mineral density and bone metabolism markers .

  14. 与低骨矿物质密度导致的骨质疏松症或骨质缺乏不同,骨软化症妨碍新骨形成。

    Unlike osteoporosis or osteopenia , which result from low bone mineral density , osteomalacia interferes with new bone formation .

  15. 自建立射线吸收方法测量骨矿物质密度之后,对骨代谢疾病的临床研究取得很大的进展。

    Since setting up the ray absorption method to determine bone mineral densi-ty , the clinical research on metabolic bone disease had gotten great progress .

  16. 目的:评价骨质疏松的指标-骨矿物质密度,并详细地介绍运动、激素替代治疗和补钙在骨质疏松预防中的作用。

    OBJECTIVE : To assess the index of osteoporosis : Bone Mineral Density ( BMD ) and expound the effects of exercise , hormone replacement therapy and calcium intake in preventing osteoporosis .

  17. 微重力导致骨质流失速度大约为每月减少2%的骨矿物质密度,相当于绝经后妇女一年流失的骨量。

    In the most severe forms of MG-induced bone loss , there is an approximately 2 % decrease in bone mineral density in only 1 month , equal to that of a postmenopausal woman in 1 year .

  18. 方法用单光子骨矿物质密度测定仪测查34例抑郁症病人尺、桡骨下1/3处骨矿物质密度并与正常人进行对照。

    Methods The bone mineral density of lower one third part of ulna and radius in 34 depressive patients was measured by single photo bone mineral density measure instrument and compare it with which of healthy subjects .

  19. 采用同位素及生理生化的方法连续多年追踪研究了从事太极拳运动对老人骨矿物质、骨密度、钙磷代谢的影响。

    A many years tracing study on the influence of exercising Taijiquan on bone minerals , bone density , and calcium and phosphorus metabolism in elder people was conducted using methods of isotope , physiology and biochemistry .

  20. 骨矿物质含量和骨密度;

    Bone mineral content and bone density ;

  21. 持续高酸水平对于骨形成的影响众说不一,但有证据提示它们与骨矿物质密度的下降相关。

    The effect of continuously high acid levels on bone formation is controversial , but there is some evidence to suggest that they are associated with a drop in bone mineral density .