
  • 网络Release Rate;releasing rate;delivery;HRR
  1. 采用有限元分析方法(FEM)对三点弯曲混凝土梁的能量释放率进行了计算,在对混凝土梁进行单元划分时,避免使用奇异性单元来模拟梁的裂尖奇异性。

    Calculation of the energy release rate with finite element method ( FEM ) is conducted .

  2. 纯弯曲Sandwich梁试样界面裂纹扩展的应变能释放率

    Strain energy release rate of crack propagation along the pure bend sandwich beam specimen

  3. 在此基础上,得到维数与Red、热释放率及1次风流量等燃烧控制因子的依变关系,并讨论了湍流火焰分维结构的内在机理。

    The mechanism of fractal nature in turbulent flame structure is also discussed .

  4. 华北地区大地震矩释放率和GPS应变率的一致性研究

    On the Consistency of Large Earthquake Moment and Strain Rate Inferred from GPS Data in North China

  5. 计算功能梯度压电材料能量释放率的修正J积分法

    A Modified J-Integral Method for Calculating Energy Release Rates for Functionally Graded Piezoelectric Materials

  6. 比色法测定乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)释放率。

    The release of dehydrogenase ( LDH ) was determined by colorimetric assay .

  7. 除移栽期外的整个水稻生长期间的甲烷平均释放率为39mg/m~2·h。

    Over the growing period , except transplanting stage , the averaged CH4 release rate is 39 mg · CH4 / m2 · h.

  8. 致敏大鼠腹腔及肺泡肥大细胞5-HT释放率

    5-Hydroxy Tryptamine Release Rates on Anaphylactic Rat Peritoneal and Lung Mast Cells

  9. 得到了针对两种不同损伤模型A和B的脆性损伤发展方程、脆性损伤本构方程和脆性损伤应变能释放率模型。

    Brittle damage evolution equation , constitutive equation and strain energy release rate model against two damage models A and B respectively have been given in this paper .

  10. 以功能梯度压电板的平面问题为例,给出了一些数值算例以说明修正J积分在计算功能梯度压电材料能量释放率方面的优越性。

    Some numerical examples were provided to demonstrate the superiority of the modified J-integral over the standard J-integral .

  11. 计算压电材料Ⅲ型裂纹的能量释放率及其强度因子KⅢ和KⅣⅡ.刚度微分法

    Determination of energy release rate and intensity factors k ⅲ and k ⅳ of piezoelectric materials with ⅲ─ mode crack ⅱ . stiffness derivative technique

  12. 讨论无限大压电介质、在无限远处均匀的反平面力载荷和平面内电载荷作用下的椭圆孔口问题,计算得到椭圆空口扩展时的能量释放率G。

    The present work investigates the energy release rate for a mode ⅲ piezoelectric elliptical cavity under remotely uniform anti-plane mechanical shear and in-plane electric fields .

  13. 置人工肠液中lh,乳糖酶释放率达100%。

    100 % of the enzyme was released in artificial intestinal juice within an hour .

  14. 针对冻土材料的非线性特点,讨论了非线性临界应变能释放率GC的测试原理和方法,推导了相应的计算公式和参数确定的方法;

    The measured technique and principle of nonlinearity GC were discussed , and an algorithm to estimate parameters of frozen soil was formulated .

  15. 内皮细胞~(51)Cr释放率、细胞上清液中乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)浓度升高,表明油酸引起细胞通透性升高;

    Increased cellular permeability was reflected by increase in 51Cr-release rate and lactate de - hydrogenase ( LDH ) activity in culture supernatant .

  16. 发现:热休克预处理组心肌细胞中αB晶状体蛋白表达明显增加,H2O2所致的细胞死亡率及LDH释放率降低,总抗氧化能力增强;

    The results showed that heat shock pretreatment significantly reduced cell mortality rate , LDH release rate and increased total antioxidation of the cells .

  17. 3个树种叶凋落物分解过程中N、P、K和C的释放率及其动态变化也存在一定差异。

    The release rates and dynamic changes of nutrient elements ( N , P , K and C ) in leaf litters exist some differences among three tree species during decomposition process .

  18. 美洲大蠊、褐斑大蠊和澳洲大蠊CO2平均释放率和爆发期CO2释放体积与体重呈正相关,在德国小蠊中关系不明显;

    The CO-2 release rate and CO-2 release volume of burst period had positive correlation with body weight in other three species except B. germanica .

  19. 解方程后计算了裂纹尖端塑性区尺寸及裂纹尖端张开位移COD,给出了应变能释放率算式。

    The solutions are used to formulate the plastic zone length of the crack tip and COD and get the releasing ratio of strain energy .

  20. 应用该数学模型对包膜控释肥料N释放率的动态变化进行模拟和验证计算。

    The dynamic change of cumulate N release rate ( CNR ) from FCRF is simulated and verified with the mathematic model under any daily changing soil temperature of the native flooded paddy soil .

  21. 简要概括了多孔介质的基本理论和断裂力学的基本理论,介绍了孔隙度、饱和度、有效应力、应力强度因子、能量释放率、J积分等基本概念。

    Some basic concepts such as porosity , saturation , effective stress , stress intensity factor , energy release rate and J integral are introduced .

  22. 而基于能量平衡方法推出的临界能量释放率G(Ic),在分析研究混凝土断裂中应同K(Ic)具有同样的效果。

    While it is known that Glc the critical energy release rate based on the energy balance method should have the same effect as KIc in depicting the fracture of concrete .

  23. 以玉米秆为材料,研究了荒漠生态系统下残茬的腐解率和腐解物的有机C、N、K的含量、养分释放率及C/N的变化。

    Quantitative studies on changes of decomposition rate , C / N ratio , N , K and organic C of corn residue during decomposition in desert ecosystem were carried out in Fukang , Xinjiang .

  24. 果实乙烯释放率与1-氨基环丙烷-1-羧酸(ACC)含量因发育状况不同而不同。

    Both ethylene evolution rate and ACC content in the fruits vary in accordance with the development state of the fruits .

  25. 在25℃恒温水培条件中,早稻控释肥N的释放率达到80%时的持续时间为50天,晚稻控释肥为70天。

    In water of 25 ℃, it takes 50 and 70 days after applying them that 80 % of N was released from early rice controlled release fertilizer and late rice controlled release fertilizer , respectively .

  26. 在Lemaitre损伤模型的基础上,推导了一维TM耦合弹脆性损伤本构方程和损伤能量释放率的表达式;

    Giving an imitation of Lemaitre damage equation , one dimension TH coupled constitutive equation is deduced and discussed .

  27. 患者血小板经洗涤后用SJAMP激活,其5-HT释放率有所恢复(P<0.05)。

    In 4 patients , the SJAMP-induced 5-HT release rate of washed platelets recovered to a certain degree .

  28. 植株体内的GA3、IAA和ZT含量下降,ABA的含量上升,乙烯释放率增加;

    The content of endogenous GA3 , IAA , zeatin and ethylene production in the treated plantlets decreased but that of ABA increased .

  29. 选用固相COD的释放率作为因变量,以不同臭氧投加量、臭氧浓度对应的固相COD的释放率数据作为样本,建立并验证了污泥臭氧破解反应模型。

    Ozonation reaction model is established and validated . In it ozone dose and ozone concentration are desired to be independent variables , and particulate COD release rate to be variable .

  30. 在去铁敏(DFO)的作用下,可以分别使微囊藻毒素处理的肝细胞的LDH释放率和ROS升成率降低。

    The antioxidant , desferrioxamine , could decrease the release of LDH and the formation of ROS in the liver cells treated with microcystin .