
  1. 《释名》声训方式研究

    A Study of the Manner of Acoustic Exegesis in Shi Ming

  2. 《同源字典》对《释名》的引用

    The Citation in Dictionary of Cognate Words from Dictionary of Explanation

  3. 试谈《释名》被训词和主训词的关系

    Relation Between Explained Words and Explaining Words in Term Explanation

  4. 刘熙《释名》是我国古代第一部系统探索语源的著作。

    ' Shiming ' is the first monograph about systematical etymological investment in ancient China .

  5. 本文主要从语源学的角度对汉代刘熙《释名》(以清人王先谦疏证本为依据)进行了考证研究。

    The treatise does textual research of " Shiming " ( based on the commentary of Wang Xian-qian of the Qing Dynasty ) by Liu Xi of the Han Dynasty from the angle of etymology .

  6. 《释名》摹声性理据,或摹拟自然现象的声音,或摹拟乐器、生产工具发出的声音,或摹拟人的生理发声等。

    The motivation of bound imitation , some imitate the sound of natural phenomenon , some the sound of musical instrument , some the tool of production , some the human being 's physical organs etc.