
dāo qiāng
  • weapon;sword and spear
刀枪 [dāo qiāng]
  • (1) [sword and spear]∶刀剑和刺枪

  • (2) [weapon]∶泛指武器

  • 刀枪入库

刀枪[dāo qiāng]
  1. 劫持�那劫匪说他宁可死于刀枪之下。

    The hijacker said he preferred to die at weapons .

  2. 他们兵分两路,一路拿着战鼓躲在营地后面,一路手执弓箭刀枪埋伏在营地两旁。

    Ten of them hid behind the camp with drums , while the others lay in ambush with weapons at either side in front of the camp .

  3. 最后,他来到了一个孤岛。幸运的是,他从他乘坐的破船上得到了一些工具、食物和饮料、刀枪。

    Finally , the man gets to a lonely island . Luckily , he gets some tools , food and drinks , knives and guns from the broken ship he took .

  4. 飞天犀牛大师的盔甲上面还留着刀枪伤痕!

    Master Flying Rhino 's armor , with authentic battle damage !

  5. 你们玩了刀枪游戏

    You played a game with a knife and a gun .

  6. 对方用武器(刀枪)对付你。

    They pull out a weapon and stab or shoot you .

  7. 爱的统治不用刀枪,捆绑不用绳索

    Love rules without a sword and Bind without a cord

  8. 你们把恐怖主义全当作跟刀枪有关。

    Look , you think terrorism is all about guns and knives .

  9. 我也时常梦想着跟着这二大爷在戏台上拿着刀枪冲锋陷阵。

    I used to dream of performing with Tuye in the same stage .

  10. 士兵们刀枪铛铛

    The soldier , arm 'd with sword and gun

  11. 不得不承认他真是刀枪不惧的硬汉啊

    I got to admit he had some pretty hard bark on him .

  12. 人人皆可拼刀枪,谁有权利断曲直?

    All Have the Right to Fight : None Have the Right to Judge .

  13. 他说我们得擦亮了刀枪,做好准备。

    He said we must slick up our swords and guns , and get ready .

  14. 你有刀枪或者其它可能让我受伤的东西吗?

    Do you have any guns or knives or anything I might get stuck with ?

  15. 他说我们得擦亮了刀枪,做好准备。2.

    e.g. He said we must slick up our swords and guns , and get ready .

  16. 他们大声求告,按著他们的规矩,用刀枪自割、自刺,直到身体流血。

    And they cried aloud and cut themselves after their custom with swords and lances , until the blood gushed out upon them .

  17. 这也就导致了殴打、踢、推搡、言语辱骂和使用刀枪器械等暴力行为的发生。

    This can result in actions such as hitting , kicking , shoving , verbal abuse or the use of weapons like knives or guns .

  18. 一次,獾从报纸上抬起头,说:我们不需要刀枪,阿鼠。

    Once the Badger lifted his head from the newspaper . ' We shan 't need guns or knives , Ratty , ' he said . '

  19. 提利昂拿起一个看看然后叹了口气,忆起凯岩城地下兰尼斯特家族的武器库里那一排排铮亮的刀枪剑棍。

    Tyrion took one look and sighed , remembering the gleaming racks of swords and spears and halberds in the armory of the Lannisters below Casterly Rock .

  20. 海狸皮毛是边区的硬通货,印第安人用它来交换刀枪和食盐,同时它们也是权贵们向往的时尚奢侈品。

    Their pelts , frontier hard currency . Traded by Native Americans for guns , knives , salt . And they 're a high-fashion luxury for the rich .

  21. 品种包括明火、防风、直冲、音乐、台式、挂件、感应、朗声机、刀枪等各类。

    Variety including flame , the root of fangfeng , washing directly , music , desk-top , pendant , reaction , bright sound of machines , weapons etc. are all kinds of .

  22. 从蹒跚学步起,男孩子就对汽车、卡车、飞机、刀枪、积木以及机械玩具这些系统感兴趣。

    Boys , from toddlerhood onwards , are more interested in cars , trucks , planes , guns and swords , building blocks , constructional toys , and mechanical toys & systems .

  23. 城市贫民和乡村里的农民由于长期以来过着非常艰若的生活,拿起刀枪开始杀起富有的贵族来了。在乡村里革命者放火烧毁了贵族的城堡,把它们夷为平地。

    The poor of the cities and the peasants in the country , having lived such a hard life for so long , took up their guns and knives and began to kill the rich nobles .

  24. 他有旧时代所说的那种“双面手”,也就是说当兵,他有使刀枪的本领,当官,也一样有指挥步兵营或骑兵队的才干。

    He had what was called under the old regime , the double hand , that is to say , an equal aptitude for handling the sabre or the musket as a soldier , or a squadron or a battalion as an officer .

  25. 1.北风如刀,满地冰霜。2.江南近海滨的一条大路上,一队清兵手执刀枪,押着七辆囚车,冲风冒寒,向北而行。

    Along a coastal road somewhere south of the Yangtze River , a detachment of soldiers , each of them armed with a halberd , was escorting a line of seven prison carts , trudging northwards in the teeth of a bitter wind .