
  • 网络SOULCALIBUR;Soul Calibur;Soul Edge;Blade Soul
  1. 万代游戏将提供休息室的铁拳,山脊赛车,并刀魂。

    Bandai Namco will deliver lounges for Tekken , Ridge Racer , and Soul Calibur .

  2. 完全彻底改造,但具有相同的强度你已经认识到,刀魂四提供了一个冒险永远不会失望。

    Completely reinvented but with the same intensity you 've come to know , Soul Calibur IV provides an adventure that never disappoints .

  3. Ouya得到了《最终幻想》(FinalFantasy)系列开发商SquareEnix和《刀魂》(SoulCalibur)系列开发商NamcoBandai的支持,因此一些高品质作品的推出成为可能。

    With support from publishers such as square Enix , the developer of the final fantasy series , and Namco Bandai , the developer of the soul Calibur franchise , the system could line up some quality titles .