
  • 网络killer;knifer
  1. 他被雇佣,成了一个刀手。

    He has been hiring himself out as a knifeman .

  2. 刀手合一

    The hand and the knife are one .

  3. 在我的第一份工作中,我是接待员,因此基本上总是我来担当蛋糕执刀手的角色。

    At my first office job , I was the receptionist and therefore almost always the cake cutter .

  4. 以后每次都让人力资源的同事抓阄决定每次该谁来切蛋糕,或者,你们公司有人担当“正式的”蛋糕执刀手,那就授予她更多权利吧。

    Have the person in charge of HR draw names out of a hat to see who gets cake-cutting duty each time , or if someone in the office volunteers to be the official cake cutter , more power to her .