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  • tool life
  1. 钛合金车削时刀具耐用度试验研究

    Investigations of Tool Life Testing in Turning of Titanium Alloys

  2. 分析研究了切削用量三要素对奥&贝球铁主切削力Fz和刀具耐用度的影响规律;

    The rules are investigated on the influence of turning parameters on the cutting force Fz and tool life .

  3. 刀具耐用度变动系数的BP神经网络预报技术

    Prediction for coefficient of variation of tool life with BP neural network

  4. TiN涂层金属学特性对高速钢刀具耐用度的影响

    Influence of Coating Characteristics on Durability of TiN-Coated HSS Cutting Tools

  5. 基于GM模型的刀具耐用度灰色预测

    Grey Prediction of Cutter 's Life Based on GM Model

  6. 本文还从磨损机制和切削力方面探讨了TiN涂层提高高速钢刀具耐用度的机制。高速钢刀具带磁切削的试验研究

    The mechanism of TiN coating effects on the cutting life of HSS tool has also been studied . Experiment on HSS Tool Cutting with Magnetic Field

  7. 本文介绍了在建立CAM数据库中按多元线性回归正交设计方法进行切削试验,以确立切削速度、进给量、切削深度和刀具耐用度之间的关系的原理和应用实例。

    This paper introduced the principle and applying examples on the relationship to be established among cutting speed , amount of feed , cutting depth and durability of cutter during cutting test according to the designing method of polynary linear regression perpendicularity while building up the CAM data bank .

  8. 本文通过大量铣削钛合金TC11试验,试验结论表明铣削钛合金TC11如果采用静电冷却辅助干式铣削技术,铣削效率得到提高、被加工材料表面加工质量得到改善、刀具耐用度提高一倍以上。

    This paper through a large number of experiments , the test results indicate that if use the static cooling auxiliary dry milling technology , the milling efficiency and material surface quality will be improved .

  9. 提高刀具耐用度的方法

    The methods for increase in duration of wear-resistance of cutter

  10. 生产现场数据分析与刀具耐用度模型的建立

    Establishment of Tool Life Model by Processing Data Obtained on Production Line

  11. 刀具耐用度的短时间试验估算法

    An Estimating Method of Shorter Time Test for Tool Life

  12. 在车间环境下实现刀具耐用度模型参数的辨识

    Identification of Parameters for Tool Wear Model in Workshop Environment

  13. 本文首先指出进行刀具耐用度试验研究的重要意义。

    In this paper , the significance of tool life testing research is emphasized .

  14. 正交车铣高强度钢的刀具耐用度及磨损机理研究

    Research on Tool Life and Tool Wear Mechanics of High Strength Steel with Orthogonal Turn-milling

  15. 重型刀具耐用度与切削速度关系式确定方法的探讨

    Study of the Method in Determining the Relation between the Tool Life and the Cutting Speed

  16. 斜角切削的力学温度刀具耐用度及工件硬化的新研究

    New Analysis on the Mechanics , Temperature , Tool Life and Work Hardening in Oblique Machining

  17. 蠕墨铸铁加工切削用量对刀具耐用度影响的研究

    The Study of the Infection of Cutting Usage to Tool Durability in Machining Compacted Graphite Iron

  18. 插齿刀前角对刀具耐用度及齿形误差的影响

    Influence of Front Rake of the Slotting Cutter on the Tool Endurance and Tooth Profile Error

  19. 湿式切削比干式切削刀具耐用度高1~2倍。

    The tool 1 : fe could be double or much longer in wet machining than in dry machining .

  20. 在双对数坐标上,刀具耐用度与切削速度、进给量、切削深度成线性关系。

    Expressed with dual logarithm coordinate , the tool durability has linear relation with cutting speed / feed / deep .

  21. 计算表明,最佳齿顶圆弧半径较现行按经验采用的齿顶圆弧半径有所提高,这将有利于提高刀具耐用度和改善被切齿轮副的强度。

    This will benefit the increase of hob life and improve the strength of the gears cut by the hob .

  22. 本文运用多元函数微分中值定理,推导出一种新的刀具耐用度快速试验法。

    This paper inferred a new high-speed method of tool-life testing from the differential median theorem of the pluralistic function .

  23. 为了提高刀具耐用度,就必须减小后刀面边界磨损。

    To improve a tool life in this case , therefore , the flank notch wear must be depressed to generate .

  24. 在传统的钛合金加工中,由于切削速度低、刀具耐用度低,导致加工效率低。

    In the traditional titanium alloy processing , because both cutting speed and tool life are lower , the cutting efficiency is lower .

  25. 带磁切削能有效减小切削力,提高刀具耐用度,改善表面加工质量。

    Cutting with magnetic field is enable to make cutting force shrinking , longer tool life , lower cost and machining quality improved obviously .

  26. 微孔超声冲挤是一种超声与机械冲挤复合的加工方法,试验探索了在微孔加工中的应用的可能性,并研究了各种因素对于冲挤力,精度,光洁度及刀具耐用度的影响。

    Possibility of machining fine holes through ultrasonic extruding and the factors influencing extruding force , accuracy , surface roughness and tool life are discussed .

  27. 摇臂深孔加工存在生产率低下、刀具耐用度差、加工精度低等问题。

    There are some problems , such as lower productivity , poor cutter durability , and lower machining accuracy , in machining rocker arm 's hole .

  28. 导电加热切削技术是改善难加工材料切削加工性能,提高表面加工质量、降低刀具耐用度的有效方法。

    Electric Hot Machining ( EHM ) is an efficient method to improve the machinability of difficult-to-cut materials , obtain better surface quality and reduce tool wear .

  29. 传统的钛合金车削加工因其切削速度低,刀具耐用度低,加工质量难于控制,导致加工效率低。

    In the traditional titanium alloy process turning efficiency is lower , this because both cutting speed and tool life are lower and process quality controlled is very difficult .

  30. 在此基础上,提出了基于像素点对磨损区域进行测量的三维评价指标,并进行了刀具耐用度对比的测量试验。

    On this basis , some practicable 3D evaluation indexes of tool wear based on pixel was also given . After that , a tool wear measuring experiment was made . 5 .