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  1. 常绿的雄雌同株的松类树木或灌木;柏木,落羽杉。

    Evergreen monoecious coniferous trees or shrubs : cypress pines .

  2. 雄雌同株多汁草本或灌木科产于热带和温带地区特别是美洲。

    Monoecious succulent herbs or shrubs of tropical and warm regions especially America .

  3. 40~60分钟,雄雌原核先后形成;

    Both the male and female pronuclei are formed in 40-60 minutes PI .

  4. 古代解决争端的办法是从双方各选一名头目,让他们一决雄雌。

    The ancient way to settle a quarrel was to choose a leader from each side and let them fight it out .

  5. 干预与主要观察指标:将Wista大鼠随机分为对照组、治疗组,每组30只,雄雌各半。

    INTERVENTIONS and MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES : The rats were randomized into control and treatment group , with 30 rats in each and totally gender balanced .

  6. 很多关于进化论的假说都过于简单,大体上都这样表述:每个物种的雄雌两性都具备本能,最大程度地把他们的基因传递给下一代。

    The biology hypothesis , much oversimplified , goes something like this : Males and females of each species have instincts that maximize their genes in the next generation .

  7. 在那相对短得多的时间里,所有的奥林匹斯松土拔鼠,不分雄雌,一起觅食,玩耍,劳作和养育幼鼠。

    So in that much shorter period of time , all the Olympic marmots , male and female , eat , play , work and nurture the young together .

  8. 屏障条件下,雄雌之间脏器系数比较,心、脾、肺、肾上腺、脑差异显著(P<0.05),肾无差异。

    Between female and male in close system , the organ coefficient of the heart , spleen , lung , adrenal and brain showed significant the difference ( P < 0.05 ) .

  9. 方法:实验于2001-04/07在辽宁中医学院职业技术学院病理生理研究室完成。将实验动物分为6组,每组大鼠16只,雄雌各半。

    METHODS : The experiment was completed in the Pathological and Physiological Department of Vocational-technical College , Liaoning College of Traditional Chinese Medicine from April to July 2001 . All rats of either gender were divided into 6 groups with 16 in each group .