
  • 网络Androgenic alopecia;Aga;androgentic alopecia
  1. 结论:AR的RNA干扰质粒能抑制DPC内AR的表达,该实验为雄激素性脱发的基因治疗的进一步研究提供了必要的基础。

    Conclusion : The results suggested that RNA interference could inhibit AR in DPCs , and it might be significant for the androgenic alopecia gene therapy .

  2. 【目的】探讨雄性激素受体(AR)在雄激素性脱发(AA)患者受损头皮的表达特点和分布规律及其与中医证候的关系。

    To investigate the expression of androgen receptor ( AR ) in affected area of androgenetic alopecia ( AA ) and the relationship between its expression and various syndromes of traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM ) .

  3. 口服保法止治疗雄激素性脱发

    Oral finasteride in treatment of androgenic alopecia

  4. 雄激素性脱发的分类进展

    Advance in classification of androgenetic alopecia

  5. 目前临床上常见的脱发类型包括雄激素性脱发、瘢痕性脱发、先天性脱发及斑秃[1]。

    The type of hair loss including androgenetic alopecia , scarring alopecia , congenital alopecia and alopecia areata .

  6. 不同证候的雄激素性脱发患者受损头皮的病理特征及雄激素受体表达的规律

    Pathological Feature and Expression of Androgen Receptor in Affected Area of Androgenetic Alopecia in Various Syndromes of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  7. 背景与目的:雄激素性脱发是男性最常见的一种脱发。

    Background and Purpose : Androgenetic alopecia ( AGA ) is the most common type of hair loss in men .

  8. 相反地,调整了年龄,家族史和吸烟状况后,重度雄激素性脱发发生代谢综合征的概率是中度雄激素性脱发的2.6倍。

    Conversely , severe androgenetic alopecia conferred a2.6-fold higher risk of metabolic syndrome compared to moderate androgenetic alopecia after adjusting for age , family history , and smoking status .

  9. 目的:1.研究血液微循环障碍即表现为血液流变学异常是否与雄激素性脱发的发生存在相关性,提示瘀为本病的病机之一,从而为活血化瘀法治疗本病提供客观依据。

    Objective : 1 . To study the relations between the abnormality of blood rheology and the onset of androgenetic alopecia ; to hint that YU is one of the pathogenesis .

  10. 现代医学已证明雄激素性脱发是由雄激素依赖的多基因遗传性皮肤病,并与遗传、内分泌、免疫、精神等方面关系密切。

    Modern medical science has already proved the androgen alopecia is the many genes heredity skin disease relied on by the androgen , and such respects as the heredity , endocrine , immunity , spirit , etc.

  11. 可能使以内分泌、感染、遗传或免疫因素为主要病因的脱发(雄激素性脱发、斑秃等)症状加重;

    Stress is a primary inducer of telogen effluvium , also an aggravating factor of hair loss ( e.g. , androgenetic alopecia , alopecia areata ) mainly induced by endocritic , infectious , genetic or immunological factors .

  12. 导师朱其杰教授在继承了古人治疗经验的基础上,结合自己几十年的临床经验,在雄激素性脱发的中医药治疗上提出了自己独特观点,在临床上收到了良好的效疗。

    Professor Zhu Qijie has his own unique perspective and received a good clinical effect in treatment of AGA based on combined the ancients treatment experience and his own decades of clinical experience in traditional Chinese medicine .

  13. 介绍中医辨证治疗雄激素源性脱发的临床经验。

    This article introduces the clinical experience in the treatment of androgenic alopecia .

  14. 中西医结合治疗雄激素源性脱发临床研究

    The Clinical Research on Treating Androgenic Alopecia with Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine

  15. 雄激素源性脱发病因及治疗新进展

    Pathogeny and treatment progress of androgenic alopecia

  16. 雄激素源性脱发的中医辨证分型与毛发电镜实验观察的分析研究

    The Electron Telescope Study on Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine Syndrome Differentiation and Typing in Androgenetic Alopecia

  17. 男性雄激素依赖性脱发患者应用非那雄胺(1mg/d)治疗后头发重量的变化:3年与4年的疗效

    Changes in hair weight in men with androgenetic alopecia after treatment with finasteride ( 1mg daily ): Three-and 4-year results

  18. 雄激素受体共活化物ARA70/ELE1在雄激素性脱发皮损中的表达

    Expression of androgen receptor coactivator ARA70 / ELE1 in androgenic alopecia

  19. 近年来由于社会竞争压力,精神长期处于紧张状态,刺激机体增加分泌雄激素,使毛囊萎缩,致雄激素源性脱发患者逐渐增多。

    In recent years , due to the social pressure of competition , people are always in a state of tension , and this stimulates the body to increase the secretion of androgens which make the hair follicle atrophy , and cause the androgenetic alopecia patients increase gradually .