- male cell;androcyte

Study on the behavior of organelle DNA during the development of male reproductive cells in Secale cereale by epifluorescence microscopy
DA can inhibit the testicular development , but no influence on the secretion of the androgenic gland is found ;
Culture and Cytochemical Analysis of ES-like Cells from Neonatal Calf Male Germ Stem Cells
Bone marrow cells from male mice were injected into the lethally irradiated female mice , PCR results indicated that certain cells from bone marrow , spleen , thymus , and lymph node in recipient mice were originated from donor .
Methods Isogenic C57BL / 6 female mice were immunized with male spleen cells as a serum donor in the search for specific antibodies against H-Y antigen .
MUTAGENIC EFFECT OF EXTRACTS OF AMBIENT AIR FALL-OUT PARTICULATES ON GERM ② The OES from drinking water in shallow wells along its rank can induce positive mutagenic results in train TA 98 ;
The vaccine works by blocking male sperm cell from joining female egg cell .
Objective To study the apoptosis and the androgen and estrogen milieu in normal and hyperplastic prostate tissues .
The vaccine we tested includes a protein from the outside of a sperm cell of male guinea pigs . The protein is believed to help sperm cells join with egg cells .
Under the proportion of 2 ∶ 1 ( cells count ), female and male clone cultures 16 d , the ovulate rate is 100 % .
Morphology Observation on the Chestnut Sport Catkin during Its Development
In the male , haemocytes were developed in a reticular structure formed by boundary basement membrane which separated them from seminiferous tubules .
Between male plant and female plant from the same place , the male plants not all smaller than the density of the gutta-containing cell of the female plant .
Somatic embryogenesis from immature tassels of 51 inbred lines in maize Was tested . Of these , 44 lines produced embryoids , but the ability of embryoid production among them was quite different .
Whereas bone marrow cells from normal or 5 fluorouracil treated male mice were injected into female recipient mice , it was found that the fibroblasts obtained from bone marrow in recipient mouse following hematopoiesis reestablishment were originated from the recipient .