
xióng xīn
  • great ambition;lofty aspiration
雄心 [xióng xīn]
  • [great ambition;lofty aspiration] 壮志;求胜之心

  • 雄心勃勃

雄心[xióng xīn]
  1. 成功依靠雄心大梦想,依靠勤奋,依靠毅力。

    The success dependence great ambition big dream , depends upon diligently , . Depend on stamina .

  2. 他们满怀勃勃雄心。

    They 're full of big ideas .

  3. 我没有雄心大志,只求自由自在地过幸福生活。

    I have no ambitions other than to have a happy life and be free .

  4. 我的雄心是在教会中一步一步往上走。

    My ambition was to travel upwards in the ecclesiastical hierarchy .

  5. 雷诺兹从没掩饰过他要成为老大的雄心。

    Reynolds has never concealed his ambition to be the top dog .

  6. 他的雄心太大,结果损失了自己大部分的财产。

    He overreached himself and lost much of his fortune

  7. 不要让工作中的一点烦心事打击了你的雄心抱负。

    Don 't allow a minor irritation in the workplace to mar your ambitions

  8. 布鲁斯·里奥克的勃勃雄心是他们新近成功的主要原因。

    Bruce Rioch 's driving ambition is the main reason behind their new-found success .

  9. 玛丽雄心很大,竟想在四个月里学会用汉语流利地会话。

    Mary is ambitious enough to aspire to conversational fluency in Chinese in four months .

  10. 你长大后要做总理?你雄心不小。

    So you 're going to be prime minister when you grow up ? you are aiming high .

  11. 没有人知道狄更斯是有着怎样的才干、雄心、精力和运气,才成为了如此杰出的作家。

    No one will ever know what mix of talent , ambition , energy and luck made Dickens such a distinguished writer .

  12. 这一批兵马俑很可能代表他死后也要去实现的雄心。

    This terracotta army well represents his ambition yet to be realized in the nether-world .

  13. 提振雄心,形成各尽所能的气候治理新体系。

    We need to raise ambitions and foster a new architecture of climate governance where every party does its part .

  14. 他的雄心也体现在了学术方面,他以优等生的身份从哈佛大学法学院(harvardlawschool)毕业。

    His ambition carried over into academia where he graduated magnum Cum Laude from Harvard Law School .

  15. 这款顶级设备是该公司为在高端市场上与苹果(Apple)较量推出的最具雄心的产品。

    The premium device was the company 's most ambitious effort yet to take on Apple for the high-end market .

  16. 昨天爆发的一家俄罗斯音乐下载网站风波,打击了俄长期渴望加入世界贸易组织(WTO)的雄心。

    RUSSIAN music download website stands in the way of the country 's long-cherished ambition of joining the body that governs world trade , it emerged yesterday .

  17. TheOne是由一位没有音乐背景的工程师创办的,这个名为小叶子科技的公司的雄心在一个广告中一览无余:见证古典钢琴的重生。

    Founded by an engineer with no background in music , the company that produces the One , Xiaoyezi Technology , has not been shy about its ambitions . " Witness the rebirth of the classical piano , " reads one advertisement .

  18. ETS的决定破坏了威尔逊走向全球的雄心。

    ETS ' decision undermined Wilson 's global ambitions .

  19. 你的个人计划是什么?PhilAbernathy的雄心有多大?

    Where / what personal plans and ambitions for Phil Abernathy ?

  20. 在斯坦福大学(StanfordUniversity)担任研究员期间的一次出差中,他曾近距离审视日本芯片制造商。超越日本企业的雄心促使他在1989年加盟三星。

    An ambition to overtake Japanese chipmakers - which he had viewed up close on a business trip while working as a researcher at Stanford University - led him to join Samsung in 1989 .

  21. 但它们不该对全球的“高盛们”羡慕不已,而应该多研究一下汇丰(hsbc)该行一直难以实现其在全球投行方面的雄心。

    But rather than salivating after the Goldmans of the world they should learn from HSBC , which has struggled to realise its global investment banking ambitions .

  22. 在售价高于500美元的高端手机市场,三星电子曾以Galaxy智能手机向苹果发起挑战,如今这股雄心已渐渐消失。

    At the premium end of the market , where handsets cost upwards of $ 500 , its once-spirited challenge to Apple with its Galaxy smartphones has faded .

  23. “web2.0”一代最为成功的一些消费者互联网公司正纷纷走向全球,掀起了一波国际扩张浪潮,与美国第一轮互联网热潮时的勃勃雄心颇为相似。

    Some of the most successful members of the " Web 2.0 " generation of consumer Internet companies are racing to go global , in a wave of international expansion that echoes the outsized ambitions of the first wave of dotcoms from the US .

  24. 周三,该公司宣布与英国广播公司(BBC)《行星地球》(PlanetEarth)的制作方新建合作关系,打造名为《我们的星球》(OurPlanet)的系列自然纪录片。此举愈发凸显Netflix在全球的雄心。

    Netflix 's global ambitions were underscored on Wednesday by its announcement of a new partnership with the creators of the BBC 's Planet Earth for a nature documentary series called Our Planet .

  25. 然而,另一种解释让人联想到谷歌更为远大的雄心:这是向微软核心的桌面软件业务发起进攻的最新组成部分,这场进攻最终会威胁到Windows系统的垄断地位。

    The other interpretation , however , suggested something far more ambitious : that this was the latest element in an attack on Microsoft 's core desktop software business that could eventually pose a threat to the Windows monopoly itself .

  26. 在商业、艺术和教育方面领先的全球性城市(Globalcity)将超越其他城市,它们的视野、雄心和影响力不仅将影响全球经济,还将影响全世界的思想、文化、政策和未来。

    Global cities - leaders in commerce , the arts and education - rise above the rest . They have the scope , ambition and clout to shape not just the world 's economy but also its ideas , its culture , its policies and its future .

  27. 苏珊娜·胡(SusannaFoo)和蔡明(音译)等先驱很久以前就开设了充满雄心和创意的中餐厅,为他们奠定了基础。

    Pioneers like Susanna Foo and Ming Tsai long ago opened ambitious , creative Chinese restaurants that paved the way .

  28. 尽管Jazz有此雄心,也可能存在让Jazz客户继续使用其他软件生命周期工具和系统的理由,这些工具和系统在自己的存储库中存储持久数据。

    Despite its ambition , there may be reasons why a Jazz customer will also continue to use other software lifecycle tools and systems that store persistent data in their own repositories .

  29. 在海外收购方面,中铝及其上市子公司中国铝业股份有限公司(chalco,简称中国铝业)本来就比大多数中国企业更具雄心。

    Chinalco and its listed subsidiary Chalco have already been more ambitious than most Chinese groups in making foreign acquisitions .

  30. 我们确认,在DDA所有领域高水平的雄心,必须伴有对发展问题强有力和不间断的重视。

    We reaffirm that a high level of ambition in all areas of the DDA must be accompanied by a strong and renewed emphasis on development .