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  1. 他说:“为了证明这一点,我会到阳台上去把一磅羽毛扔到你头上,然后扔下一磅铅,再让你说那样重谢吧!”

    He said : " To prove it , I would go up on the balcony and drop a pound of feathers on your head and then drop a pound of lead to let you say which is the heavier . "

  2. 这时,他听到一个商人大声叫喊:有重谢啊!谁发现我的皮钱包有重谢啊!

    Then he heard a merchant shout , A reward ! A reward to the one who finds my leather purse !

  3. 这时,他听到一个商人大声叫喊:“有重谢啊!谁发现我的皮钱包有重谢啊!”

    Then he heard a merchant shout , " A reward ! A reward to the one who finds my leather purse ! "

  4. 重谢?商人一边贪婪地数着金币,一边嘲讽地说,啊,我丢失的钱包里有200枚金币,你偷走的金币比我要给你重谢的还要多。

    Reward ? scoffed the merchant , greedily counting his gold . Why , the purse I dropped had 200 pieces of gold in it .

  5. 乞丐很诚实,走过去把钱包递给商人说:这是你的钱包吧,我现在可以得到重谢了吗?

    Being an honest man , the beggar came forward and handed the purse to the merchant saying , Here is your purse . May I have the reward now ?

  6. 乞丐很诚实,走过去把钱包递给商人说:“这是你的钱包吧,我现在可以得到重谢了吗?”

    Being an honest man , the beggar came forward and handed the purse to the merchant saying , " Here is your purse . May I have the reward now ? "