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yíng zào
  • build;construct;make;fabricate
营造 [yíng zào]
  • (1) [construct;build]∶建造

  • 营造住宅

  • (2) [make]∶制作;做

  • 营造器物

  • (3) [fabricate]∶构造,编造

  • 各肆营造,枝叶徒繁

营造[yíng zào]
  1. 3D营造实验室&建筑学科新型实验室的探索

    3D Construct Laboratory & Study of a New Type Laboratory for Architecture

  2. 对Web页进行必要的、有效的内容过滤对于营造健康、安全的网络环境具有重要的意义。

    It is important to construct a healthy and secure network circumstance through necessary and effective content filtering to Web page accessing .

  3. 营造商发出了一张250英镑的发票。

    The builders sent an invoice for £ 250 .

  4. 他用摄像机移动拍摄,营造一种运动的效果。

    He panned the camera , giving a sense of motion .

  5. 在餐厅里,打褶装饰物能营造雅致的氛围。

    In the dining-room the draperies create an atmosphere of elegance .

  6. 再没什么比烛光更能营造浪漫气氛了。

    There 's nothing like candlelight for creating a romantic mood

  7. 我们试图营造一种非常舒适放松的气氛。

    We try and provide a very homely atmosphere .

  8. 蓝色和灰色的柔和色调营造出明快、亮丽的视觉感观。

    Soft tones of blue and grey create a clean , bright look .

  9. 房间都进行了布置,重新营造出该城堡中世纪全盛时期的氛围。

    The rooms are furnished and recreate the atmosphere of the castle 's medieval heyday

  10. 他巧妙地在窗子上面镶嵌了几面镜子,以营造一种空间感。

    He cleverly inserted mirrors above the window to create an impression of space .

  11. 我们至少要等到冬天再开始着力营造圣诞节的气氛。

    We should wait at least until winter before we start the build-up to Christmas

  12. 这有助于营造一种博爱的感觉。

    It helps engender a sense of common humanity

  13. 从铺路石缝隙间长出的植物恰好营造出乡间农舍花园小径的感觉。

    Plants growing out of cracks in paving strike the right note up a cottage-garden path .

  14. 他着手营造一种不仅可以进行试验而且鼓励进行试验的环境。

    He sets about creating an environment that just doesn 't permit experiment , it encourages it

  15. 我们想再度营造以前坐火车旅行的浪漫和兴奋。

    We want to recreate the romance and excitement that used to be part of rail journeys .

  16. 脱离了时装表演营造的氛围,非常时尚的时装看上去常常显得既廉价又可笑。

    Removed from the artificial atmosphere of the fashion show , high-fashion clothes often look cheap and silly .

  17. 诸如斯特兰奇韦斯监狱之类建于100多年前的监狱故意营造出一种阴森、不祥的气氛。

    Prisons like Strangeways , built more than 100 years ago , were intended to look grim and foreboding places .

  18. 入口处设有服务台,加之友好、热心与高效的服务人员,营造了这家商店的整体氛围。

    The service desk at the entrance , with its friendly , helpful and efficient staff , sets the tone for the rest of the store .

  19. 他们试图营造出法国小餐馆的那种气氛。

    They tried to create the ambience of a French bistro .

  20. 营造业的兴旺导致了目前当地房屋建筑土地价格上涨。

    The boom in building has resulted in the local land being more valuable now for houses .

  21. 有多少家公司投标争取那座桥的营造权?

    How many firms bid on the contract to build the bridge ?

  22. 他们营造了大片防护林带,防止风沙侵袭。

    They built a great shelter-belt to check sandstorms .

  23. 老师们应该致力于为学生们营造一个支持性的、创造性的学习环境

    Teachers should aim to build a supportive , creative environment for students to do this work .

  24. 比起小面积色彩,它们则需要更大的面积,而且它们对空间感的营造也有更强的影响。

    They require a bigger commitment than smaller ones , and they have a more powerful effect on the feeling of a space .

  25. 许多公共场所都用某种颜色装饰,以营造某种气氛。

    Many public places are decorated with certain colors in order to create certain moods .

  26. 这一切丰硕成就,基于上海外服23年来的用心营造、全新开拓。

    All these plentiful and substantial achievement is based on the cannily build and bran-new deploitation .

  27. 我国平台经济发展正处在关键时期,要着眼长远、兼顾当前,补齐短板、强化弱项,营造创新环境,解决突出矛盾和问题,推动平台经济规范健康持续发展。

    It is important to strengthen weak areas in the sector in both the long and short terms , create an environment for innovation , resolve prominent problems , and promote its regulated , healthy and sustainable development .

  28. 基于Web的学习支持系统也一种教学系统,强调以学习者的学习为中心,着意于为学习者营造一个激发主动学习的学习环境。

    Web based learning supporting system is also an instruction system , which focus on the learner and aim at creating more active learning environment .

  29. 因此,如何在WTO规则下,重构中国粮食流通新体制,营造一个有序的开放型市场格局环境就成为一个非常现实的问题。

    Thus , it is very practical task to reconstruct new system of foodstuff circulation and create a openly and orderly structure of market .

  30. 利用HRTF,即头相关传输函数,能够营造出一个3D的声场环境。

    Head Related Transfer Function ( HRTF ) can build 3D sound field .