
  1. 营养的膳食给身体提供足够的营养和能量。

    A nutritious diet provides enough nutrition and energy to the body .

  2. 该文件还要求改善对一线医务人员的服务,例如为他们提供干净、营养的膳食及良好的通勤服务。

    It also calls for improved services for frontline medical workers , such as providing them with clean , nutritious meals and good commuter services .

  3. 哈内曼于是不理睬他所受的教育,开出了当时非常革命的养生处方:新鲜的空气、个人卫生、锻炼以及有营养的膳食。

    Hahnemann began to ignore his training and to prescribe a regimen that at the time was quite revolutionary : fresh air , personal hygiene , exercise , and a nourishing diet .

  4. 这是普遍公认的儿童需要营养均衡的膳食。

    It is generally agreed that children require nutritionally balanced meals .

  5. 每周至少一次有益健康、营养平衡的膳食?

    Do you eat a healthy , nourishing meal at least once a week ?

  6. 当然,你应该吃同时含有所有这些营养成分的膳食。

    And yes , you should eat meals that have all of these nutrients together .

  7. 在营养充分的膳食中饱和脂肪酸和反式脂肪酸应尽可能低。

    Intakes of both saturated and trans fatty acids should be as low as possible within the context of a nutritionally adequate diet .

  8. 我们同样也不得不思考学校提供营养美味的膳食或者教孩子们什么食物是对身体最好的并在午餐时间提供这些食物是否是其自身课程的一部分。

    We also have to consider whether serving nutritionally sound meals at school is itself part of the curriculum ; teaching kids what foods are best for their bodies by offering such foods at lunchtime .

  9. 作为“第七营养素”的膳食纤维,对维持人体健康起着至关重要的作用。

    Dietary fiber , as the Seventh Nutrients , plays an important role in keeping human healthy .