
  • 网络MARKETING CENTER;telemarketing center;Call Center
  1. 公司设有研发中心、营销中心及生产基地。

    There are research and development center , marketing center and production base .

  2. 我们都配备了完善的客户档案,行政中心和市场营销中心。

    We are equipped with the consummation the customer file the administrative center and the market marketing center .

  3. 本文尝试运用EMBA课程中学到的知识,结合自身在天津移动宁河营销中心的工作实践,论述了移动运营商营销渠道模式的研究与规划。

    This thesis discussed the mobile operator marketing channels research and planning model , combining the EMBA theories with working practice in Ninghe District Center of Tianjin Mobile Communication Co. LTD. .

  4. 漳州移动公司片区营销中心扁平化管理改革的研究

    Study on Revolution of Flat Management by Zhangzhou MCC Regional Sales Center

  5. 独立拥有设计开发中心和营销中心。

    Independent design and development centers and marketing centre .

  6. 新营销中心的广告活动将在中国之外的所有市场开展。

    Advertising campaigns from the new centre are to be used in all markets except China .

  7. 为了更好的服务市场,公司成立了琪丽多娇营销中心。

    In order to satisfied the demand of marketing , THE GORGEOUS MARKETING CENTER was set up .

  8. 欢迎各大酒店行政总厨加入创新菜开发营销中心,为酒店创造良好的效益。

    Welcome hotels administrative innovative dishes develop marketing centers for the hotel to create a good economic returns .

  9. 澳斯迪中国大陆的营销中心总部设在中国花城广州市美国银行大厦。

    The sals and marketing centre of AuXdiO in China locates in bank of America plaza , Guangzhou .

  10. 道恩集团营销中心,培养和组建了一支诚实可靠、乐观自信、勇于开拓、团结协作,具有责任感、使命感和成就感的员工队伍;

    Dawn Group marketing system has scientifically planned sales team with rich experience in petrochemical products covering all over the country .

  11. 中数传媒下设总经理办公室、财务部、网络销售中心、市场营销中心、技术播出中心。

    CDM composes with executive manager office , financial department , online sales center , marketing center and technical broadcasting centre .

  12. 营销中心的设立和因地制宜的物流第三方外包为营销渠道的良性运作提供了保证。

    Establishing the marketing center and the third logistics when possible provide the insurance of the satisfactory operation of marketing channel .

  13. 在北京设有全国营销中心,负责全国市场渠道的拓展和服务;

    In Beijing , she has a sales center , responsible for the expansion of and providing services to national market channels .

  14. 接下来便在这5点优势竞争力上构建了中国邮政直复营销中心的运行模式,针对目前中国邮政直复营销中心在管理和业务上的不足进行改造。

    These five forces form the operation mode of the postal DM center in China and make reforms on its inefficient management and services .

  15. 强力要求成立“创新菜开发营销中心”为菜肴的创新发挥更大的作用。

    Strong calls for the establishment of " the development of innovative food marketing center " for the innovative dishes play a greater role .

  16. 该学院已设有创业、金融、it和物流/制造中心,还将开设房地产/基础设施中心和营销中心。

    It already has centres in entrepreneurship , finance , it and logistics / manufacturing . Still to come are real estate / infrastructure and marketing .

  17. 同时,企业还将在万州建设希姆斯电梯中国总部和全球研发中心,并将中国区营销中心迁到万州。

    At the meantime , Symax Lift will build the Headquaters in China and the global R & D center , and move China sale center to Wanzhou District .

  18. 位于成都温江海峡工业园的工业厂房及办公楼,是我们为乐普科公司设计及装饰的在华的西部研发及营销中心。

    Located in Strait Industry Park , the factory and office building are designed and decorated by us , which is LPKF 's development and sales center of West China .

  19. 公司的营销中心在武汉,公司自成立以来,在公司领导英明策划和员工的共同努力下,为不同市场需求而研发各种不同用途的高品质产品。

    Since the establishment of the company , under the leaders'astute plan and employee 's joint efforts , we have developed various high-quality products for different use to meet different market needs .

  20. 逐步建成全行的“业务咨询中心”、“信息交流中心”、“交易与营销中心”及“客户关系管理中心”。

    Gradually , the center has become to be " business inquiry center "," information communication center "," dealing and marketing center " and " customer relationship management center " of the whole bank .

  21. 营销中心对其全体成员薪酬考核采取基本年薪+年终考核+销售提成+团队奖金+福利+津贴的薪酬结构。

    When assessing salaries of sales staff , the marketing center takes the salary structure including annual basic salary , bonus and performance review , sales commissions , team commissions , welfare and allowance into consideration .

  22. 本文以服装集团企业为背景,采用工厂→营销中心→经销商→专卖店这种管理模式的信息化建设方案,将企业物流、信息流、资金流予以整合。

    With Garments Group Enterprise as a background , this article adopts modernized information scheme like the management model " Factory-Marketing Center - Distributor - Monopoly Shop " to combine enterprise logistics , information flow with capital circulation .

  23. 第五章是营销中心绩效管理体系设计,内容包括绩效计划、实施、考评、反馈设计,绩效管理组织体系设计和绩效考评结果应用。

    In chapter 5 , it is the design and application of performance system , and its content includes the performance plan , implement , appraisal and feedback institution , the performance management organization system institution , and the performance management organization system institution etc.

  24. 同时根据渠道的选择,营销中心将组织架构进行相应的调整,成立事业部负责各渠道的运作,自负盈亏,使企业朝良性的方向发展。

    According to the channel chosen , the marketing center should adjust the organizational structure and establish service department to take charge of the various channel operations , which would assume responsibility for its profits and losses and cause the enterprise to develop in the benign direction .

  25. 方案包括营销的中心、重点、营销方法等内容。

    The program including the marketing customer , marketing object and marketing method .

  26. 本课题主要研究德阳电业局营销数据中心系统的设计与实现。

    The subject design and implement the marketing datum center system of DeYang Power administration .

  27. 德阳电业局营销数据中心系统建设方案研究

    A Study on System Constructing Scheme for Marketing Data Center in Deyang Power Supply Bureau

  28. 该系统按照应用分散、数据集中的模式,建立营销数据中心理念;

    The system builds up marketing data center concept according to the mode of application distraction and data concentration .

  29. 对影响房地产开发运作有重大利益制约的众多关系主体的协调与优化是房地产企业市场营销的中心环节。

    It is the key point to coordinate and optimize the interest entities , which may influence real estate development .

  30. 为方便广大客户,本公司现已在深圳设立了营销展示中心。

    In order to serve customers better , the company has already set up a center of marketing and demonstration in Shenzhen .