
  • 网络Pearson;Pearson Education;Pearson Education Group
  1. 培生教育集团是全球最大的高等教育和技术出版机构。也是亚洲最具规模的外国出版社。

    Pearson Education is the world 's largest higher education and technology publisher and the largest foreign publish in Asia .

  2. 伦敦投行LiberumCapital的股票经纪人IanWhittaker认为,联邦最高法院的这一判决将损害培生教育出版集团(TheEconomist股东之一)等学术出版商的利益。

    Ian Whittaker of Liberum Capital , a broker , thinks this ruling will really hurt academic publishers , such as Pearson ( a part-owner of The Economist ) .

  3. 在这个列表上头三个名字现在是处于美国培生教育出版集团之下的。

    The first three names on this list are all under the Pearson Education umbrella now .