
péi yǎnɡ mù biāo
  • train objective
  1. 摘要毕业设计是是实现高等职业教育培养目标的一个重要教学环节。

    Graduation project is an important teaching link to realize higher vocational education train objective .

  2. 因此,田径运动是学校教育的重要内容,是学校实现培养目标不可缺少的一门课程。

    Therefore , the athletics is important school education content , which train objective indispensability .

  3. MBA英语教学是MBA整个教学体系的一个组成部分,其实施应该根据MBA学生的最终培养目标,为造就卓越的企业家而进行。

    English course is one subject of the whole MBA teaching system which aims at cultivating excellent entrepreneurs .

  4. 围绕如何依据成人高等教育的特点办地理信息系统(GIS)专业的建设问题,分析了成教地理信息系统专业的人才培养目标及意义,提出了人才培养过程优化的方案。

    In order to construct GIS specialty in terms of the characteristic of the higher adult education , this paper analyzes the aim and significance of the higher adult educational for GIS professionals .

  5. 并论述了设立MIT电子信息试点班的必要性和可能性,介绍了该试点班的培养目标和培养特色。

    This paper discusses the necessities and possibilities of setting up the MIT-like TR class and introduces its goals and characteristics of training .

  6. 其次,根据世界高教发展趋势,指出21世纪高校GIS人才的3类不同培养目标及其相应的培养模式,力求与国际GIS教育相衔接;

    Second , in accordance with the trend of world higher education development , this paper puts forward three different targets and their corresponding modes for college GIS talents education in the 21st century , with an aim to connect with the international GIS education .

  7. 动物科学专业的人才培养目标应包含如下几个重要方面。

    The orientation of animal science teaching includes several important aspects .

  8. 坚持高职培养目标深化数学教学改革

    Persisting in Higher Vocational Training Target and Deepening Mathematics Teaching Reform

  9. 培养目标要由技术型向服务型转变;

    The training objective from technique model to service model ;

  10. 以职业能力为前提培养目标的实用性;

    The use value of training targets that presupposes the professional abilities ;

  11. 培养目标观应当以技术型人才为主;

    Aim cultivating concept & depending on the technical talent ;

  12. 课程设计是否科学合理,直接关系到高职教育的教学质量高低和培养目标的实现。

    It is essential to teaching quality and the goals of training .

  13. 课程设置是培养目标的具体化。

    The curriculum is the concrete application of realizing goal .

  14. 人类社会进入21世纪,在能力培养目标的内容方面又有了新的规定。

    The 21st century has imposed new stipulations on ability training objectives .

  15. 中等职业教育培养目标定位及教学实施的研究

    Study on Train Object and Teaching of Secondary Vocational Education

  16. 论教育技术学专业人才培养目标的现状及对策

    Current Situation and Countermeasures of the Training Objectives for Educational Technology Professionals

  17. 社会体育专业健美操教学的培养目标及教学改革

    Bringing-up Aim and Teaching Reform for Specialty of Social Physical Education of Aerobics

  18. 因此,必须根据高职教育的培养目标和高职教育教学规律,重新构建高职教育教学模式,以适应高职教育教学的需要。

    According to the fostering objective and teaching rules of higher vocational education .

  19. 面向21世纪师专数学专业培养目标的定位

    Probed into the Orientation to the Training Objective for Mathematics in Teachers College

  20. 高职教育土建类专业的人才培养目标与规格

    Training Objectives and Specifications of Specialities of Civil Engineering in Higher Vocational Education

  21. 培养目标多样化是职业教育的基本属性之一。

    Diversification of training goals is one of the properties of vocational education .

  22. 全面发展观与能力本位观&论职业教育的培养目标能力本位取向下的高职思想政治理论课改革思考

    Capability-oriented Teaching Reform of Ideological and Political Theory Course in Higher Vocational Colleges

  23. 这要从高职教育培养目标入手,站在学校教育和课堂教学角度,开展人才培养。

    We should consider it from view of training target and classroom teaching .

  24. 对独立学院人才培养目标及定位的思考

    Thoughts on the Objective and Orientation of Talent - cultivation of Independent Institute

  25. 目的了解高等中医药院校培养目标的表述。

    Objectives : To know about training objectives of higher education of Chinese medicine .

  26. 新时期高校雕塑专业人才培养目标定位和就业取向的调查研究

    A probe into educational aims on sculpture majors in Colleges and intention of employment

  27. 烹饪高等教育的素质与能力培养目标辨证

    Differentiating and Analysing the Educational Aim about Capacity and Quality of Cooking Higher Education

  28. 服务人才培养目标推进行政管理改革

    Serving Talent Training Goal and Boosting Administration Reform

  29. 中医药院校护理本科教育培养目标研究护理本科教育中开设遗传与优生课程的探讨

    Research onto training objectives of undergraduate nursing program in higher education of Chinese medicine

  30. 课程是教育思想和教育观念的集中体现,是实现人才培养目标的途径。

    Course epitomizes educational ideas and concept and achieve the goal of personnel training .