
  1. 本文完成的基于WebGIS的SAR数据管理与共享交互平台ORSISAR已在海洋遥感教育部重点实验室试运行。

    The interactive platform for SAR data management and sharing based on Web GIS established in this paper has been test running in the National Lab for Ocean Remote Sensing of MOE .

  2. 本文针对海洋遥感教育部重点实验室的研究需求,开发一种基于WebGIS的SAR数据管理与共享交互平台。

    In this paper , an interactive platform for SAR data management and sharing based on Web GIS has been developed to meet the research requirement of the National Lab for Ocean Remote Sensing of Ministry of Education ( MOE ) .

  3. 中国海洋大学海洋遥感教育部重点实验室研制的多套激光雷达的光电接收器件选用的都是光电倍增管,因此研究光电倍增管具有一定的应用意义。

    The photoelectric detectors of the lidars developed by our Laboratory & Key Laboratory of Ocean Remote Sensing , Ministry of Education , Ocean University of China , are PMTs , so the study of PMT is important .