
  • 网络wave spectrum;ocean wave spectrum
  1. 基于海浪谱的Gerstner波浪模拟

    Modeling Gerstner Waves Based on the Ocean Wave Spectrum

  2. 基于海浪谱的随机海浪仿真及验证

    Random Wave Simulation and Validation Based on Ocean Wave Spectrum

  3. 双峰海浪谱的SAR图像交叉谱仿真研究

    Simulation of SAR Image Cross Spectra Simulation from Double - peaked Ocean Wave Spectra

  4. 采用波能谱(海浪谱)描述海浪的统计特性,采用海浪反演的线性叠加法在Matlab仿真平台上实时仿真出不规则长峰波海浪;

    The irregular approximate progressing waves are simulated real-timely on Matlab simulation platform based on linear cumulative method of cosine waves .

  5. 用Hanning权函数平滑协方差函数和用Hanning谱窗函数平滑海浪谱;

    To smooth the covariance function by Harming weighting function and to smooth the wave spectrum by Harming spectra window function ;

  6. 用ITTC双参数海浪谱预报了不同有义波高时水舱的减摇效果。

    By means of ITTC two-parameters wave spectrum , efficiencies of rolling reduction on various significant wave heights are predict .

  7. 并对稳定平台的工作原理进行了介绍。其次,采用ITTC单参数标准海浪谱(P-M谱)建立了随机海浪模型,对随机海浪进行了实时仿真。

    The working principle of this stable platform is introduced as well . Secondly , established a random ocean wave model by using ITTC one-parameter ocean wave spectrum ( P-M spectrum ), and carried out with a real-time simulation for this model .

  8. 相关的理论包括,海浪谱的原理及如何用海浪谱计算海面上波的参数,如何使用Gerstner模型计算海面上水质点的位移,以及风级与海况等级的相关知识。

    Related theories including , the principle of sea spectrum and how to calculate wave parameters on sea surface with sea spectrum , how to calculate water parcel displacement on sea surface with Gerstner model , and the related knowledge on wind scale and sea state level .

  9. 微尺度滑动平均方法计算海浪谱奇阶矩的公式

    An equation for odd order spectral moments using partial averaging approach

  10. 模糊集合论在海浪谱分析中的应用

    Application of fuzzy collection theory to the analysis of sea wave spectrum

  11. 不同深度上浅水海浪谱的分析

    An analysis on the spectrum of shallow water waves in different depths

  12. 经典海浪谱下运动飞行器接收到的海浪磁场噪声

    Wave-generated magnetic noise received by moving airborne magnetometers under classical spectrum assumptions

  13. 海浪谱峰周期与跨零周期的一个经验关系式

    An Empirical Relation Between Sea Wave Spectrum Peak Period and Zero-crossing Period

  14. 南海中部的单峰海浪谱

    The single peak wave spectrum in the mid of the South China Sea

  15. 基于海浪谱的海浪模拟算法研究与系统实现

    Research on Algorithm for Simulating Ocean Waves Based on Spectrum of Ocean Waves

  16. 协方差函数法的海浪谱估计

    The Estimation of Wave Spectra by Co-Variance Functional Method

  17. 由此得到的最可能海浪谱与通常所采用的经验谱较为一致。

    The most possible sea wave spectrum well coincides with the experience spectrum .

  18. 变浅作用下浅水海浪谱的计算

    Computation of the Shallow Water Spectrum under Shoaling Effect

  19. 海浪谱的计算及谱质量的分析

    Sea Wave Spectrum - Its Calculation and Quality Analysis

  20. 数值模拟波浪的外观海浪谱

    An apparent wave spectrum of numerical simulated wave surface

  21. 首先,提出了获取当前海浪谱的两种方案;

    Two schemes of acquiring current wave-spectrum are proposed ;

  22. 快速傅里叶变换法的海浪谱估计

    The Estimation of Wave Spectrum by FFT Method

  23. 利用海浪谱共轭方程进行东海敏感性区域分布研究

    Sensitivity study in the East China Sea by using the wave spectrum adjoint equation

  24. 分析了海浪谱高阶谱矩不存在的原因。

    The non-existence of high order spectral moments of PM and JONSWAP spectra is analyzed .

  25. 文中还探讨了深水台风海浪谱公式。

    This paper also inquires into the formula of typhoon wave spectrum for deep waters .

  26. 海面风浪谱及海浪谱数值计算

    Sea wave spectrum and its numerical calculation

  27. 海浪谱的光学探测及信息处理

    Optical Detecting and Processing of Seawave Spectrum

  28. 对记录数据作快速傅立叶变换分析,获得了海浪谱。

    Data was analysed by means of F.F.T.and the spectrum of sea wave was thus obtained .

  29. 海浪谱高阶谱矩的计算

    Calculation of high order spectral moments

  30. 然后,在此基础上进一步构造了基于海浪谱的风力模型,模拟了风力作用下的海浪;

    Then , a wind model based on the spectrum is established to simulate ocean waves under wind force .