
shù dí
  • make an enemy of sb;set others against oneself;antagonize;make enemy
树敌 [shù dí]
  • [make enemy] 树立仇敌

  • 树敌太多

树敌[shù dí]
  1. 政治家往往树敌很多。

    Politicians often have many enemies .

  2. Uber已经陷入一系列争议,树敌颇多。很多人指责它无视监管,对抗出租车公司,一些出租车公司甚至提起诉讼,要求封杀这位不速之客。

    Uber has already made more than its share of enemies in a series of controversies including by ignoring regulators and taking on taxi companies , some of which have sued to stop the newcomer .

  3. 树敌比树友容易。

    It is easier to make enemies than to make friends .

  4. 若两边都树敌。

    If you make enemies on both sides of the border .

  5. 不过我料想那家伙指定树敌无数

    A guy like that would have had enemies , I suppose ,

  6. 人不树敌世上无。

    There exist no man who have not an enemy .

  7. 但要小心:树敌会直接导致工作中的苦恼。

    Be careful : Making enemies can lead straight to job misery .

  8. 大家都觉得他不是个会树敌的人

    He doesn 't come across as someone with enemies .

  9. 他的名声与成功树敌不少

    His fame and success had earned him many enemies .

  10. 这个囚犯假装狱吏,企图逃跑。在狱吏中树敌是毫无道理的。

    The prisoner posed as a prison officer in order to escape .

  11. 我们的生意使我们与好多人树敌。

    Our business has made us a lot of enemies .

  12. 我觉得威尔登侦探树敌无数

    I think that Detective Wilden had more enemies than friends

  13. 我在执法部门已经树敌无数。

    I 've been making enemies with law enforcement .

  14. 不过我料想那家伙指定树敌无数。

    But a guy like that would have had enemies , I suppose .

  15. 在狱吏中树敌是毫无道理的。

    There was no point in having a permanent enemy among the warders .

  16. 学员在校内还要树敌。

    Our recruit has an enemy inside the class .

  17. 并且我已树敌了

    And I 've got a few enemies already .

  18. 他妄自尊大,树敌很多。

    His arrogance made him many enemies , ie made many people hate him .

  19. 现在,现在,我的好兄弟,我可没时间再树敌了。

    Now , now , my good man , this is no time formakingenemies .

  20. 你是在交朋友还是在树敌?

    Do yo have friends * or'frenemies ' ?

  21. 这不是谁怕谁的问题,而是中国没必要树敌。

    Fear is neither here nor there , but China need not make enemies .

  22. 你越是凶残,树敌越多。

    You know the more brutal you are , the more enemies you create .

  23. 他们很快发现,此人树敌众多。

    Detectives were called to . And they soon learned this man had enemies .

  24. 我是否值得为此树敌?

    Is it worth making an enemy ?

  25. 争强好胜的人,树敌必多委屈求全的人,道路必宽。

    Those who battle have many adversaries , those who pardon have a wider road .

  26. 自私是最容易树敌的原因,人喜欢自私的人。

    Being selfish is one the best ways to make enemies-no one likes selfish people .

  27. 好吧,我们应该期待什麽呢?美国政府在四处树敌。

    Well * what should we expect ? the US government is making enemies everywhere .

  28. 波提纳尔树敌众多

    Bertinelli has a lot of enemies .

  29. 她独断专横,因而树敌甚多。

    Her arbitrariness made her many enemies .

  30. 保持谦逊的作风,不要露富,以免引起嫉妒甚至树敌。

    Maintain modesty , don 't show opulent , don 't create envy and enemies .