
  • 网络ocean color
  1. 海洋水色CCD成像仪光谱非线性校正

    Spectral Nonlinearity Correction for Ocean Color CCD Imager

  2. 海洋水色的卫星遥感自70年代以来一直是受到人们极大关注的课题。MODIS水色遥感数据的获取与产品处理综述

    Acquisition of MODIS Ocean Color Satellite Data and Its Data Processing

  3. 我国近岸的广阔海域均为II类水体,这也是我国海洋水色遥感的重点和难点。

    : The inshore waters of our country , which are very important and difficult regions to ocean color remote sensing , belong to the case-II waters .

  4. 本文在国家高技术研究发展计划项目和HY-1A卫星应用项目的支撑下,面向HY-1ACCD进行海洋水色遥感应用的需求,开展了大气修正与水体组分浓度反演的研究。

    Supported by national advanced technology research and development projects and HY-1A satellite application projects , to meet the demand of ocean color remote sensing using HY-1A CCD .

  5. 卫星图像采用美国的LANDSAT卫星的TM卫片,但本方法可用于其他的海洋水色遥感卫星,如最近发射的SeaWiFS。

    This study used the Landsat Thematic Mapper , but the method is transferable to any ocean color-sensing satellite sensor , such as the recently launched Sea-viewing Wide Field-of - view Sensor ( SeaWiFS ) .

  6. 海洋水色遥感的最终目的之一是监测海洋初级生产力的时空变化,而反映海洋初级生产力的一个重要指标就是浮游植物中的叶绿素浓度[1]。MODIS水色遥感数据的获取与产品处理综述

    One of the tasks of ocean color remote sensing is the measurement of marine primary production variation with time and space , whose important index is chlorophyll concentration of phytoplankton . Acquisition of MODIS Ocean Color Satellite Data and Its Data Processing

  7. 在海洋水色遥感中,瑞利散射占大气顶(TOA)处测量信号的绝大部分,作为大气修正的第一步,必须精确计算瑞利散射的贡献,并从总信号中去除。

    In ocean color remote sensing , Rayleigh scattering dominates the signal measured at the top-of-atmosphere ( TOA ) . Therefore , as the first step in atmospheric correction , Rayleigh scattering item must be computed accurately and removed from the sensor measured total signal .

  8. 卫星有效载荷十波段海洋水色扫描仪的红外探测器工作温度为85K,由斯特林制冷机制冷。

    The infrared detectors in 10-band Ocean Water Colour and Temperature Scanner , one of the payloads in satellite , work at 85 K , which were cooled by a Stirling cooler .

  9. 其次运用辐射模拟仿真得到的综合信噪比这一概念从理论上评价了HY-1A卫星资料的利用率,同时利用接收到的HY-1A卫星资料,通过与美国海洋水色卫星资料的比较,评价了测量精度;

    Second , the quality and availability are evaluated by means of the complex signal noise ratio ( CSNR ) which is simulated theoretically ; third , the received HY-1A data are compared with SeaStar data to understand the accuracy of the HY-1A ;

  10. 海洋水色卫星遥感二类水体反演算法的国际研究进展

    Algorithms for Case 2 Waters of Remote Sensing of Ocean Color

  11. 海洋水色及水温扫描仪精确瑞利散射计算

    Exact Rayleigh Scattering Calculation for Chinese Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner

  12. 海洋水色遥感资料红光波段的大气纠正

    Atmospheric correction for red band of ocean colour remote sensing data

  13. 高光谱遥感技术在海洋水色监测中的应用

    The Application of the Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Technology in Ocean Color Monitoring

  14. 中国海洋水色遥感十年

    The study of remote sensing for ocean color in China during 1981-1991

  15. 通用型海洋水色遥感精确瑞利散射查找表

    General exact Rayleigh scattering look-up-table for ocean color remote sensing

  16. 太阳反射光对海洋水色卫星遥感的影响研究

    Affections of reflected sunlight on satellite ocean colour remote sensing

  17. 风云一号气象卫星海洋水色的遥感试验

    Ocean color remote sensing experiment on FY-1 METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITE

  18. ,满足了海洋水色扫描仪的使用要求。

    The developed detector modules satisfy the requirements of the ocean watercolor scanner .

  19. 卫星海洋水色遥感的辐射模式研究

    Study on radiance models for ocean colour remote sensing

  20. 海洋水色卫星遥感研究与进展

    Research and progress in satellite ocean color remote sensing

  21. 海洋水色卫星遥感算法综述

    Summarization of Algorithms of Ocean Color Remote Sensing

  22. 用于海洋水色扫描仪的硅光电探测器组件

    Si Photodetector Module for Ocean Watercolor Scanner

  23. 利用海洋水色进行浅海水深反演,国内外已经提出了很多方法,并建立了各种模型。

    Nowadays , there are many models of water depth inversion via ocean color information .

  24. 海洋水色遥感是通过水表反射测定叶绿素浓度的便捷的方法。

    Ocean color remote sensing provides a convenient method of detecting these concentration from upwelling radiance .

  25. 冬季女装色彩预测海洋水色遥感元数据及其系统设计

    Ocean color metadata and system design

  26. 较详细介绍该卫星上的海洋水色成像仪的构成、主要性能。

    The constitution and main performance of the Ocean Color Imager onboard the satellite is described in detail .

  27. 海洋水色扫描仪斯特林制冷子系统的电磁干扰分析、屏蔽及测试

    Analysis , Shielding and Test of EMI of Stirling Cooling Sub-system in Ocean Water Colour and Temperature Scanner

  28. 海洋水色遥感的基础之一是海洋光谱特性的精确测量与分析。

    Oceanic in situ optical data measurement and spectral analysis is essential to any ocean color sensing project .

  29. 海洋水色水温领域作为其重要应用之一,得到了学者的极大关注。

    Ocean color and SST field , as one of its important applications , has been of great concern to scholars .

  30. 以海冰冰清,海面风场,海洋水色等的监测为代表,重点介绍了海洋遥感的应用;

    Then some applications of marine remote sensing to monitoring seaice , ocean color and sea surface wind speed field were mainly introduced ;