
  1. 海水溶解氧自动电位滴定分析方法研究

    Study on Automatic Potential Titration Analysis Method for Dissolved Oxygen of Seawater

  2. 微电脑控制的海水溶解氧电流滴定

    Determination of dissolved oxygen in sea water by microcomputer controlled amperometric titration

  3. 海水溶解氧测定方法的研究

    Research on Determination of dissolved oxygen in sea water

  4. 海水溶解氧夏季垂直分布中的最大值

    On the maximum value of dissolved oxygen in its vertical distribution in the sea

  5. 本文推荐了一种改进的温克勒(Winkler1888)海水溶解氧的分析方法,并介绍了该方法的基本原理、仪器设备、分析和计算方法等。

    This article recommends an improved Winkler analytic method of dissolved oxygen in sea-water and introduces it 's bassic principle ?

  6. 海水中溶解氧、PH值、氨氮含量的变化,对海产经济鱼类正常生活影响显著。

    The content change of DO , PH and NH-N in sea water has much effects on normal growing of the economic fishes .

  7. 海水中溶解氧对硫化氢氧化的动力学

    The Kinetics of Oxidation of Hydrogen Sulfide by Dissolved Oxygen in Seawater

  8. 二种测定海水中溶解氧方法的比较

    A comparison between the two determination methods of dissolved oxygen in sea water

  9. 海水中溶解氧膜电极法测定技术

    Membrane Electrode Technique for DO Determination of Seawater

  10. 因此随时掌握海水中溶解氧的状况,对海洋环境保护和海水产养殖起着重要的作用。

    In order to protect the ocean environment and aquiculture , it is important to probe the status of the seawater dissolved oxygen at any moment .

  11. 海水中的溶解氧、pH值均表现出与海水温度相反的分布趋势;

    The dissolved oxygen and pH have opposite distribution to the water temperature .

  12. 海水中的溶解氧(DO)是影响海洋渔业经济、反映海洋物理化学过程的重要因素。

    The study on the Dissolved Oxygen ( DO ) in the seawater that affects the sea fishery and reflects some physical and chemical process in the sea is becoming significant .

  13. 对深层和底层海水营养盐和溶解氧的分析发现,其年际变化表现出对ENSO事件的响应,且变化规律与上层海水相反。

    The nutrient concentrations in the deep and bottom waters have also showed some response to the ENSO events , but the response was opposite to the upper water .

  14. 缺氧事件期间,由于生物大批死亡和快速埋藏,其分解消耗海水中大量的溶解氧,引起大洋水体缺氧,富含12C的有机质从而得以大量保存;

    During the oceanic anoxic events , a great number of organisms were rapidly buried , which caused a kind of anoxic conditions by their decomposition consuming dissolved oxygen .

  15. 南海北部海水透明度分布变化概况浙江沿岸海水中溶解氧的分布变化规律

    Outline of the distribution and variation of water transparency in the northern South China Sea Distribution and variation of dissolved oxygen in the coastal water along Zhejiang shore