
  • 网络baseline study
  1. 分布式SAR高分辨成像中相关性与基线研究

    Research on Correlation and Baseline of High Resolution Imaging in the Distributed Satellites SAR

  2. 贵阳市表层土壤中镉的环境地球化学基线研究

    Geogenic Distribution and Baseline Concentrations of Cadmium in Surficial Soil of Guiyang , China

  3. 环境地球化学基线研究简介

    Introduction to the study of environmental geochemical baseline

  4. 大庆市土壤主要有毒重金属地球化学基线研究与污染评价

    Geochemical Baselines Study and Pollution Assessment of Main Toxic Heavy Metals of Soil in Daqing City

  5. 选择苏通大桥首级GPS控制网桥轴线附近的几条跨江基线为研究对象,分析基线精度随观测时间的变化情况。

    Selected several crossing-river baselines beside bridge axis of GPS network of Su-Tong large bridge , the baseline accuracy varying with observation time is analyzed .

  6. 基于小波和轮廓提取的色谱基线算法研究

    Study of Wavelet and Profile Extraction - based Chromatogram Baseline Algorithm

  7. 全球变化中的地球化学基线值研究及中国的研究现状

    Global study of geochemical baseline and its progress in China

  8. 汉语同音词调查及拼音输入法基线模型研究

    An Investigation on Chinese Homophone & Study on Pinyin IME Baseline Model

  9. 此研究方法采用单一受试跨多基线之研究设计。

    The methodology of the study used a multiple-baseline across individuals design model .

  10. 动物性食品中抗生素及瘦肉精残留量基线调查研究

    A study on baseline of residues of antibiotics and lean meat-increasing reagents in animal foods

  11. 分布式小卫星SAR的基线测量方法研究

    Research on Baseline Measurement Methods of Distributed Small Satellite SAR

  12. 分布式卫星InSAR系统的基线测量误差研究

    Analyze Measure Baseline error source of Distributed Satellite InSAR

  13. 1990年仪陇县儿童营养基线调查的研究

    A Basic Investigation on Children Nutrition in Yil'ong County in 1990

  14. 编队小卫星星间基线估计算法研究

    An Algorithm for Estimation of Baseline between Formation Flying Satellites

  15. 导弹控制系统光纤网络基线漂移问题研究

    Study on the Baseline Excursion in Optical Fiber Network of Missile Control System

  16. 心电图中滤除基线漂移的研究

    The research of removing baseline wander for ECG

  17. 测距仪分辨力自动化检测与高精度基线测量的研究

    The Research of EDM Resolution Automatic Detection and the Measurement of Baseline with High-precision

  18. 干涉条纹图估测基线的方法研究

    Methodological Study of Baseline Estimation Using Interferogram

  19. 高眼压治疗研究中发生原发性开角型青光眼的基线危险因素研究

    Baseline risk factors for the development of primary open-angle glaucoma in the Ocular Hypertension Treatment Study

  20. 编队卫星的状态测量方法综述及可行的高精度星间基线测量方案研究

    Summary of State Measure Methods of Formation Flying and Research on Feasible High Precision Measure Schemes of Intersatellite Baseline

  21. 为了消除基线失真,研究者从不同方面入手,对谱图进行基线校正,提出了各种基线校正方法。

    In order to eliminate the baseline distortion , researchers have proposed a variety of baseline correction methods from different aspects .

  22. GPS在高边坡监测中的基线精化处理技术研究

    The Research of GPS Baseline Processing in High Slope Deformation Monitoring

  23. 干涉SAR成像中地形高度估计及基线估计方法的研究

    Research of Estimations of Terrain Height and Baseline for Interferometric SAR

  24. GPS精密单点定位和高精度GPS基线网平差研究及其软件实现

    Research on GPS Precise Point Positioning and Adjustment of High Precision GPS Baseline Network and the Realization of Its Software

  25. JPEG基线压缩算法的研究与优化

    Optimal Coding of the JPEG Baseline Compression Algorithm

  26. 一种改进的小波基线校正方法的研究

    Study on a modified baseline correction method based on wavelet transform

  27. 地球化学基线的确定方法研究&以攀枝花地区为例

    Approach of determining geochemical baselines : a study case from Panzhihua region

  28. 全二维气相色谱谱图基线校正方法的研究

    Baseline Calibration of Comprehensive Two - dimensional Gas Chromatogram

  29. 无模糊度和整周跳变问题的短基线解算方法研究

    A Method of Short Baseline Solution without Cycle Slip Detection and Ambiguity Resolution

  30. 小波包变换在消除心电图基线漂移方面的研究

    The Research of Wavelet Package Transform in Removing the Baseline Wander from Electrocardiogram