
  • 网络The Christian Life
  1. 对于基督徒的生活,这是一个何等奇妙的描写!

    What a wonderful description of the Christian life !

  2. 哦但愿我们能明白这一句话的意义:就是在基督徒的生活中,对基督的爱,乃是一切。

    Oh that we understood this : In the Christian life love to Christ is everything !

  3. 同样,基督徒的生活也是如此。

    In the same way , it happens in the Christian life .

  4. 基督徒的生活中有两个最大的挣扎:接受神的恩典,和神的眷护管理。

    The greatest struggles of the Christian life are two : accepting divine grace and divine providence .

  5. 过基督徒的生活就是让耶稣在你身上并且通过你来活出他的生命。

    To live the Christian life is to allow Jesus to live His life in and through us .

  6. 这就是基督徒的生活方式,你是否觉得标准过高?

    All these are ways in which our Christian life is to be lived and how it should be seen by the world around .

  7. 在基督徒的生活中,最令人振奋的其中一个经验,就是加入一间生气勃勃的教会:信徒深刻体验到圣灵的能力在教会中运行;

    One of the most exciting experiences a Christian can have is to belong to a live , active church , where the Spirit of God is moving ;

  8. 反律法主义的重大错误在于极力强调神以福音(非律法)促成罪人的悔改、指导基督徒的生活。

    Antinomianism makes the great mistake of insisting that God uses the gospel , not the law , to work contrition and to give guidance for Christian living .

  9. “你是知道的,希刺克厉夫先生,”我说,“从你十三岁起,你就过着一种自私的非基督徒的生活;

    You are aware , Mr Heathcliff , 'I said , 'that from the time you were thirteen years old , you have lived a selfish , unchristian life ;

  10. 在我们基督徒的生活中,我们的失败常是因为我们要自己工作得胜;其实,我们需要让神在我们里面工作。

    This is our trouble in regard to our Christian life ; we want to do something to be Christians when we need to let Him work in us .

  11. 尽管我们难以明白某些事情,但依然可以肯定某些关于神的基要真理,明白借着耶稣所赐的救恩,以及明白基督徒的生活。

    But even if we struggle to understand some things , we can remain certain of the essential truths about God , about salvation through Jesus , and about Christian living .

  12. 我希望我们教会每一个人,在今年都能探访与鼓励那些需要神的爱的人,让他们都能体会得到基督的爱,在我们基督徒的生活中活起来。

    I sincerely hope that this year every member of our Church can visit and encourage those who are in need of God 's love-so they may experience that the love of Christ is very much alive in our lives .

  13. 而荒淫、不洁和贪婪的行为,更不应出现在基督徒的日常生活中。

    And sexual immorality , impurity , and greed have no place in a Christian 's exercise routine .

  14. 有人说:「神要基督徒过的成圣生活并不容易轻松。」

    Do you agree with the following statement : 'God doesn 't make it easy to live as a Christian ' ?

  15. 作为基督徒的耐莉从小生活在呼啸山庄,后来成为管家,她亲身经历了两个山庄的许多事情。

    Nelly lives in Wuthering Heights from a very young age . Later she becomes the housekeeper . She experiences the two generations of the two families . Being a Christian she has the characteristics of Christians of that time .

  16. 但是,基督教从疲惫的北方向富有活力的南方扩展,并不能预示基督徒在南方的安宁生活。

    But moving from the jaded north to the dynamic south does not portend an easy future .

  17. 话虽这么说,但我相信我们基督徒在我们的祷告生活中跌到,这是因为我们缺乏热情,激励和勇气得以帮助回答祷告。

    That being said , I believe we Christians have fallen short in our prayer lives , and this is evidenced by our lack of zeal , motivation and courage to help answer prayer .