
  • 网络base date;baseline date
  1. 日期部分是负值表示在基准日期之前的日期。

    Negative values in the date component represent dates prior to the base date .

  2. 本合同中提及的已发布的标准应理解为在基准日期之时适用的版本,除非另有说明。

    References in the contract to published standards shall be understood to be references to the edition applicable on the base date , unless stated otherwise .

  3. 如果在基准日期之后,由于工程所在国的立法变更导致费用的增减,则合同价格应作出相应调整。

    If the reference date , because of the countries in which the legislative changes lead to changes in costs , the contract price should be adjusted accordingly .

  4. 承包商应被视为,在基准日期前已仔细审查了雇主要求(包括设计标准和计算,如果有)。

    The Contractor shall be deemed to have scrutinized , prior to the Base Date , the Employer 's Requirements ( including design criteria and calculations , if any ) .

  5. 他曾担任美国国家经济研究局国际金融和宏观经济学项目主任,他还是经济循环基准日期定期委员会成员,该委员会代表官方宣布了2001年的经济衰退。

    He directs the program in international finance and macroeconomics at the National Bureau of economic research and is also on the Business Cycle Dating Committee , which officially declared the 2001 recesssion .

  6. 另请见计划开始日期和基准开始日期。

    See also scheduled start date and baseline start date .

  7. 在任务完成时,将计算比较基准计划开始日期和完成日期及实际开始日期和完成日期之间的差异。

    When tasks are completed , the variance is calculated between the baseline start and finish dates and the actual start and finish dates .