
  • 网络Base class;basic medicine
  1. 对基地班学生实施导师制的体会

    Experiences in the process of tutorial system to students majored in basic medicine

  2. 医学微生物学实验教学中实行导师制的探讨对基地班学生实施导师制的体会

    Application of tutorial system in experimental teaching of medical microbiology Experiences in the process of tutorial system to students majored in basic medicine

  3. 理科(生物学)基地班微生物学双语教学改革的研究与实践

    Reforms and Practice in Bilingual Teaching on Biology of Microorganisms

  4. 这届学生共招收137人,进入理科基地班42人。

    A total number of 137 students had enrolled in 2003 , and 42 of them had entered Science Base Class .

  5. 该文介绍了近年来北京林业大学生物学院理科(生物学)基地班微生物学课程体系改革的研究与实践活动,阐述了微生物学教学改革总体思路,总结了微生物学系列课程教学改革的阶段性成果。

    In this paper we briefly describe a series of reforms and practice in bilingual teaching on the course of Biology of Microorganisms for the Biological Science Base of Beijing Forestry University .

  6. 本文对成都中医药大学中药学基地班办学8年来的经验和不足进行了总结,对基地班创新精神的培养进行了探讨。

    In this article , the authors discusses the experience and deficiency in the class of State Key Educational Base of Pharmacy of TCM in Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine , especially on the cultivation of innovation .

  7. 依据国家理科(生物学)基地班学生的培养目标及我院专业课教学体系实际需要,对神经解剖学的教学内容体系和考核方式进行了探索和教学实践。

    Based on the cultivating goal for national science ( Biology ) base class students and actual needs of professional course teaching system in our college , the content system and assessment methods for neuroanatomy have been explored and practised for many years .

  8. 本文是对笔者在2000-2001学年在暨南大学国家文科基地班所进行的一次现代文学史教改实验的介绍与总结。全文主要有三个部分:具体做法、效果评价、思考。

    This article sums up the experimental teaching reform of modem literature history ( between 2000 and 2001 ) at the national training base of humanity and liberal arts , It consists of three parts : specific procedure , validity e-valuation and further Analysis .