
  1. 一种新的6轮AES不可能差分密码分析方法

    A new method for impossible differential cryptanalysis of the 6-round advanced encryption standard

  2. 同时,利用截断差分-线性密码分析方法得出,在类似DES结构的算法中,S-盒的摆放顺序对密码的强度有较大的影响。

    In DES like cipher algorithms , the fact that the order in which S - boxes were placed would affect the security of cipher was shown by the method .

  3. 差分密码分析方法是1990年由E。

    The method of differential cipher analysis was presented by E.

  4. 对差分-线性密码分析方法进行推广,提出了截断差分-线性密码分析方法。

    A truncated differential-linear cryptanalysis method is proposed , which extends differential-linear method .

  5. 4月和5月的信息,都通过密码分析方法破解了,

    Both April and May messages were read ' by cryptanalytic methods ' .

  6. 旁路攻击是一种新的密码分析方法,现有的密码算法仍然容易遭受高阶旁路攻击。

    Side-channel attack is a new cryptanalysis , and the current cryptographic algorithms are vulnerable to higher-order side-channel attack .

  7. 文中通过综合基于逻辑和模型检测的密码协议分析方法,提出了一种基于目标提取和消息模式匹配的自动密码协议分析方法,并以Needham-Schroeder(NS)公钥协议为例,进行了具体分析。

    In this article , an automatic cryptographic protocol analysis was put forward , based on object submission and information model inspection by synthesizing the cryptographic protocol analysis based on logic and model matching , and further analysis on public-key protocol of Need-Schroeder ( NS ) was made .

  8. 基于刚性与相似性概念的密码协议分析方法

    Non-Malleability and Emulation Based Approach to Cryptographic Protocol Analysis

  9. 一种新的密码协议分析方法及其应用

    New approach for formal analyzing encryption protocols

  10. 对目前混沌密码学的发展状况进行了较详细的分析、归纳和总结,并对公开发表的混沌分组密码的分析方法进行了系统的概括,提出了目前存在的一些需要解决的关键问题。

    The research status and advances of chaotic ciphers has been summarized , analyzed and overviewed .

  11. 一种自动密码协议分析方法

    Automatic cryptographic protocol analysis

  12. 结合多重线性密码分析的方法,利用这两个较好的线性逼近我们提出了相应的攻击算法,并从理论上分析了其成功率。

    We make use of them by multiple linear cryptanalysis method , present an algorithm and analyze its success rate theoretically .

  13. 本文主要讨论密码分析的方法,大体上从古典密码、对称密码、非对称密码这三种加密方法方面进行分类,并重点对穷举密码分析法、线性密码分析法、因式分解法进行探讨。

    On this base , we mainly discuss the methods of cryptanalysis , then classify the methods approximately by three aspects of classical cryptogram , symmetry cryptogram and asymmetry cryptogram . In this paper , we mainly study linear cryptanalysis method , enumeration key cryptanalysis method and factorization method .

  14. 人们提出了多种密码协议的分析方法,BAN类逻辑是其中重要的一种。

    There are many ways proposed to analyze the security protocol , the BAN-like logic is one of the important ways .

  15. 以DPA攻击嵌有DES算法的芯片为例,论述了搭建实验平台,获取功率消耗数据并用统计学和密码分析学的方法推导分析得出结论,从而成功破解加密系统。

    Taking DPA attack on chip with DES as example , the thesis discusses building experiment roof , obtaining power consume and educing conclusion by statistics and cryptanalysis , accordingly breaking encrypted system successfully .

  16. 差分分析和线性分析是攻击分组密码的主要分析方法。

    The best known attacks are differential cryptanalysis and linear cryptanalysis .

  17. FPGA密码芯片功耗分析攻击方法研究

    Research of Power Analysis Attack Methods on Cryptographic Chip Based on FPGA

  18. 基于Spi演算和控制流分析,提出了一个密码协议的新分析方法。

    Based on the concepts of the Spi calculus and the control flow analysis , a new technique is presented to analyze the cryptographic protocols .

  19. 通过对Otway-rees协议的分析,介绍了目前受到普遍关注的一种密码协议形式化分析方法&归纳方法。

    This paper introduces a kind of formal method for the analysis of cryptographic protocols inductive method which has been widely given attention at present , and analyzes the Otway-rees protocol .

  20. 密码协议形式化分析方法分为符号方法与计算方法两类。

    The formal methods of Cryptographic protocol are categorized as two classes : the computational approach and the symbolic approach .

  21. 多重线性密码分析是线性密码分析方法的一种推广,如何利用多重线性密码分析方法来攻击DES一直是人们关注的焦点。

    Linear cryptanalysis with multiple approximations is a generalization of linear cryptanalysis , and how to attack DES efficiently by multiple linear cryptanalysis method is still a problem .

  22. 但一方面,DES算法密钥长度过短、易受到差分密码分析和线性密码分析方法的攻击,从而威胁着交易数据的安全性。

    But on the one hand DES has short key and fall under the difference and linearity analysis , and the business data are easy to crack by using DES .

  23. 并使用线性密码分析和差分密码分析方法分析IAES的安全性,结果表明,改进算法抗线性和差分密码分析强度与AES算法基本一致。

    Use of linear cryptanalysis and differential cryptanalysis method of analysis of IAES security , the results show that the improved algorithm is basically the same intensity as AES algorithm . 3 .

  24. 积分攻击是一种选择明文攻击方法,它是继差分密码分析和线性密码分析后,密码学界公认的最有效的密码分析方法之一。

    Integral cryptanalysis is a kind of chosen plaintext attacks . After differential cryptanalysis and linear cryptanalysis , it is known as one of the most efficient attacks in the field of cryptology .

  25. 由Kocher提出的对RSA密码体制进行时间攻击的攻击方法是一种实用性很强的密码分析方法。

    The timing attack against RSA cryptosystem , which is invented by Kocher , is a practical method . Based on the analysis of the old methods , two new methods for resisting timing attack are introduced .

  26. 分别利用差分-非线性密码分析、截断差分-线性密码分析、积分密码分析三种不同的密码分析方法,对Safer++进行了密码分析;

    Using differential-nonlinear cryptanalysis , truncated differential-linear cryptanalysis and integral cryptanalysis respectively , three attacks of reduced-round Safer + + are given ;