
  • 网络Seal;sealing element;sealing member;packing element
  1. 本发明还提供包括这种密封元件的伽伐尼电池,特别是包括这种密封元件作垫圈的小型碱性空气电池。

    Also provided are galvanic cells including the seal member , in particular miniature alkaline air cells including the seal member as a gasket .

  2. 法兰螺栓连接系统是石油化工设备、航天技术等领域运用最广泛的连接装置,垫片是连接系统中最重要的密封元件,它直接影响连接系统密封的可靠性。

    The flanged bolted connection system is widely used in petrochemical and aviation field . Gasket is one important seal components , and its performance directly affects the flanged bolted connection system sealing performance .

  3. 将顶盖置于端部法兰内部并平齐,由D形抗剪螺栓连接二者,采用具有自紧作用的C形环作密封元件。

    In the new structure , the head is put into and flushed mounting with the end flange , using self-energizing C ring as the sealing component .

  4. 尾管顶部封隔器密封元件的设计计算与有限元分析

    Design and Finite Element Analysis of Sealing Elements of Liner Packer

  5. 修理过程中必须更换粘合元件和密封元件。

    The bonding and sealing elements must be replaced during repairs .

  6. 热连轧机液压气动设备中密封元件的应用

    Applications of Seals in Hydraulic and Pneumatic Equipment of Hot-rolling Mill

  7. 密封元件密封面接触应力的测量

    Measurement of Contact Stress on the Sealing Surface of Sealing Elements

  8. 大直径回转轴密封元件的性能研究

    The Research on the Performance of Sealing Element in A Large-Diameter Rotary Shaft

  9. 介绍了水介质单体液压支柱采用的密封元件&Y型密封圈的结构与成型;

    The structure and molding of Y-type seal-ring used in hydraulic prop with water medium was introduced .

  10. 基于有限元法的车用氧传感器密封元件受力及变形分析

    Accept Force and Distortion Analysis of Airproof Component of Oxygen Sensor Used in Vehicle Based in ANSYS

  11. 油浸电机如发现漏油,应更换密封元件后再潜入水中。

    Such as found in oil-immersed motor oil should be replaced into the water and then sealed components .

  12. 并对未来密封元件的发展方向以及整个液压系统防渗漏问题的解决进行客观评测。

    The development direction of future sealing components and the resolve of anti-leakage problem are evaluated by objective measure .

  13. 该装置能在模拟密封元件工作环境(工作介质及介质压力)的情况下,直接准确地测量出密封元件密封面的接触应力。

    With this device , the contact stress can be straightly and precisely measured at simulating working environments of sealing elements .

  14. 在机械设计部分介绍了密封元件试验台的结构设计,传动轴和试验轴之间采用带莫氏锥度的轴孔进行配合来保证系统的定位精度和运动精度。

    Morse taper is used in the structure of the interface between driver shaft and seal shaft to enhance their coaxiality .

  15. 该系统可以实现法兰密封元件选用及管理的自动化和智能化,能够降低密封设计和管理的工作量,避免人为错误。

    The selection of sealing elements and the manage of sealing system can be intelligently and automatically implemented by the expert system .

  16. 金属波纹垫片是一种传统的密封元件,具有制造简单、回弹性好、整体性好的特点。

    Metal corrugated gasket is a traditional sealing element , and has the features of simple fabrication , good resilience and good integrality .

  17. 其选材分为结构元件材料和密封元件材料,选材的原则是材料的耐腐性能、加工性能等。

    Its material is divided into structural elements of materials and sealing component materials , the principle of selection of resistant material performance , processing performance .

  18. 该装置主体由内管、外管、活塞管、端盖、承压环、吊耳、液路元件和密封元件等组成。

    The device is mainly made up of inner tube , outer tube , piston tube , end cover , retaining ring , hanger , liquid-route element and sealing element .

  19. 超临界高压萃取设备开关频繁、操作压力高,缺乏设计经验和有效的设计方法,密封元件无法反复使用,工业化发展受到了制约。

    Supercritical high-pressure equipment is frequently switched and the operating pressure is high . Design experience and effective method is insufficient and seal component can 't be used repetitively , which restrict industrial development .

  20. 配油套是钻机中最重要的密封元件,通过它可以向高速旋转的胶囊式卡盘供应高压油,从而使卡盘具有向钻杆传递扭矩和轴向力的能力。

    Floating-ring is an important sealing part , through which to provide the high-speed rotary chuck with high pressure oil , making the chunk with the ability of transferring torque and axial force to drilling rod .

  21. 风力机的寿命可达数十年,可惜与之配套的深井水泵的某些关键部件却只能使用一年多。这主要指泵缸和活塞的密封元件。

    The operation life of a wind motor can last up to several decades , while some key components of the deep-well water pump driven by it , namely the pump cylinder and piston sealing elements , last no more than two years .

  22. 根据阀门贮存使用条件,选择具有抗氢性能的结构材料为阀门的主要结构材料,阀门的主要外密封元件(波纹管)和主体材料为21-6-9抗氢钢,内密封阀头材料为铍青铜。

    Because the valves are applied in hydrogen surroundings , the anti-hydrogen materials are selected as the major structure material of valves . The major outside sealing component-corrugated tube and structure material are 21-6-9 type anti-hydrogen steel , and the material of valve head for inside sealing are beryllium-bronze .

  23. 无机热传导技术是以无机元素为导热介质,将其注入各类金属或非金属管内,经密封形成导热元件。

    Mineral heat conduction technology uses mineral element as the heat conducting medium which is filled into various types of metallic or nonmetallic pipe so as to form heat conducting element by sealing .

  24. 船舶尾轴密封Ω型弹性元件的设计与应用

    Design and application of Ω - profiled stern shaft sealing

  25. 该产品在紫外光照射下固化,用于粘接和密封金属或玻璃元件并具有高强度和耐化学腐蚀性。

    The material cures when exposed to ultraviolet radiation.C-UV4111 is used to bond , seal metal or glass components with high strength and chemical resistance .

  26. 本文利用通用化有限元分析软件ANSYS作为分析工具,对真空吸夹具的密封关键部位及密封元件进行了有限元静态分析和优化设计。

    The static analysis and structural optimization of the key seal parts and components of vacuum clamp are researched in this thesis using finite element analysis software ANSYS .

  27. 碟形密封圈属于端面密封元件,依靠一定的轴向压缩量进行密封,由于端面内压力分布、温度分布不均,端面内的摩擦状况也不是处处相同。

    The dishing ring seals belong the end face sealing parts , and act as sealing by some axial compression . Because of different distribution of internal pressure and temperature , the friction inside the end-face is also different at all area .

  28. 多节柱塞一油管副间的密封能力由特殊结构的柱塞密封元件&封隔器保证。

    Special packers are used for sealing between the multi-plunger and tubing string .

  29. 金属自密封环是一种极为重要的密封元件。

    Metallic pressure sealing ring is a very important component for encapsulation .

  30. 蕾形密封是近几年应用于液压缸的一种新型往复式密封元件,承受压力达700公斤/厘米~2,密封可靠,使用寿命长。

    Flower-bud shape seal is a new reciprocating seal used on hydraulic cylinder in recent years . It has working pressure up to 700kg / cm ~ 2 , reliable sealing use and long service life .