
  • 网络Sealing test;leak detection
  1. 将应用最为普遍的有限元分析软件ANSYS参数化设计与汽车防雨密封性检测设备&人工淋雨试验装置的设计相结合,做出了一套具有一定的理论和实用价值的仿真系统。

    Combining the parametric design of the most universal finite element analysis ( FEA ) software ANSYS with the artificial raining test facility , which is to checkout rainproof and leak-proof function of the automobile , a simulation system that has a certain theoretical value and practical value was established .

  2. 压力表密封性检测设备气动夹具的设计

    Design of Pneumatic Clipping Mechanism for Pressure Gauge Sealing Testing Equipment

  3. 本设备是专用于发动机进气管的密封性检测。

    This equipment is dedicated to the engine intake pipe sealing detection .

  4. 密封性检测方法综述

    Summary of the Method for Sealing ( Leakage ) Examination

  5. 建立以状态监测为核心的密封性检测设备的管理模式

    Establishing the Management Mode of Closed Inspecting Equipment Based on the State Supervision

  6. 通用型高效家用膜式燃气表外部密封性检测装置的研制

    Development of Universal Efficient External Tightness Detection Equipment on Domestic Diaphragm Gas Meter

  7. 内燃机制造过程中的密封性检测(一)

    Inspection of Sealing Performance in Manufacturing of Internal Combustion Engine ( 1 )

  8. 多路供气阀的研制及在密封性检测系统中的应用

    Supply And Demand Information Research and Application on Multi-inlet Valve and Sealing Testing System

  9. 手表密封性检测新工艺

    New technology for leak test of watchs

  10. 该方法可有效地对凝汽器管子管板的联接接头进行密封性检测。

    In this way , the tightness of tube-to-tube-sheet joint of condenser will be tested effectively .

  11. 重点介绍了人工淋雨试验时配备的防雨密封性检测设备&喷淋装置的设计与计算。

    Design and calculation of test equipment provided for rain protection sealing-showering equipment-during manual rain test is mainly presented .

  12. 本设计在了解国内外啤酒瓶密封性检测技术的基础上,利用声学方法实现快速啤酒瓶密封性检测。

    The design of tightness in the understanding of domestic beer bottles on the basis of detection technology , use acoustic methods for rapid detection of beer bottle seal .

  13. 文章介绍了现代汽车厂所建立的以状态监测为核心的密封性检测设备的管理模式,重点阐述了现场校准的方法、标准以及实施过程。

    This article introduces the management mode of closed inspecting equipment based on the state supervision which is established in modern enterprises , focusing on illustrating worksite correction method , criterion and implementation process .

  14. 介绍了汽车防雨密封性检测设备&人工淋雨试验装置的设计与计算,阐述了保证每个喷嘴流量均匀的能量转换平衡关系和设计要点。

    This article introduced the design and calculation of the artificial raining test facility & the device to check-out rainproof and leak-proof function of the automobile , elaborated guarantees the current capacity of each spraying nozzle even energy conversion balance and the main points of design .

  15. 瓶装啤酒密封性在线检测关键技术研究

    Research on Key Technologies of Online Closure Inspection for Bottled Beer

  16. 气缸密封性的恒压检测方法

    Research on Permanent Pressure Detecting Method of Gas Container Airproof

  17. 介绍了利用微差压原理,采用单片机进行控制,用于密封器件气密性检测的检测仪。

    The air-leakage detector to sealing devices is introduced , which is controlled by microchip system and uses micro differential pressure principle .

  18. 由此可见,密封器件的气密性检测非常重要。

    Thus , the airtight detection of sealed devices is very important .

  19. 近年来,作为一项影响产品质量的重要技术指标,密封器件的气密性检测日益受到很多企业的关注。

    In recent years , as an important technical index of quality , sealed devices have been focused by many enterprises .

  20. 客车防雨密封性能检测是汽车综合性能检测的重要内容,目前,国内外对客车防雨密封性检测的主要方法是进行淋雨试验。

    Rain proof performance test is an important content of integrated carriage performance test , at present , both home and abroad are using the way of rain test .

  21. 该设备是专用于车灯密封性能检测,检测方法是对车灯内腔充入压缩空气,通过流量法试漏仪测量其泄漏量的密封性检测装置。

    This equipment is used lamp sealing performance testing , which way is to lamp lumen filled with compressed air , through flow method try leakage instrument measuring its seal leakage detection device .